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Feedback on levels 11 421 - 11 465!



  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    Well King you've really pushed the limit. As I said before Hard, Super Hard, Nighmarishly Hard one after the other. Then level 11447 not shown as Hard, many complaining that again moves reduced. So what do you do, increase the moves, no you make it Nighmarishly Hard. Get past that then level 11450 Nighmarishly Hard. I play for fun not to keep having nightmares.

    That's my lot for now going to find easier more enjoyable things to do. Climb Everest first then see if Mike Tyson is still boxing, if he is I'll arrange a match with him, then train to become an Astronaut.

    Sort yourselves out this is getting really boring.

  • Helicalprime
    Helicalprime Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Wow 11441 now 24 moves but still impossible without boster and extra moves

  • mnikeh
    mnikeh Posts: 99

    Level 3

    I’m stuck on 11459

    can’t even get close to finishing it

  • Nisi1984
    Nisi1984 Posts: 41

    Level 3

    11441 is impossible to pass. Already used more than 100 lives...

    All videos show 30 moves and no jelly around the striped candies. I've only got 24 moves and the damn jelly😡

    Did anyone pass this one without any boosters or extra moves??

  • toon_ada
    toon_ada Posts: 172

    I’ve been on 11459 for a few days. Can’t get anywhere near even though we now have 25 moves instead of 20.

    im not using multiple boosters on this one as I still don’t know if it’ll be enough with even the 35 extra moves awarded for being useless. 😂

  • GordyF
    GordyF Posts: 191

    These levels are Dugsh*t personified.

    It doesn't get any better.

    Lost out again in the episode race and the weekly challenge ( Which is a con ) due to the pule of rubble they're issuing.

    Still not got my F5 back .... Even although theyre promoting it for every other player it seems.

    The Power Pops don't work .... Fk me playing this game with one hand tied behind my back ... So to speak

  • Roma_Safovich
    Roma_Safovich Posts: 83

    Level 3

    Wowowow that is hilarious be ause i was about to say the same about that stage .. untill saw your message also 11450... I think had another problem in 11447 but i dont remember because i see it is pointless to write every leve they dont seem to be bothered unfortunately.. i think of quitting the game.. it is disgusting hard

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    I think @Roma_Safovich these are the worst levels we've ever had, so many of us are complaining. Do they listen, who knows. Shame to give up completely though, I just stop for a while to give myself a break, try and collect a few boosters then see what happens when I play again.

  • justafoo
    justafoo Posts: 32

    Level 3

    I’m stuck on 11546, wasted an hour of unlimited lives + extra 100+ and never got even close! Take a look at this level. The spinners seem too aggressive. Why every chapter has to now have these gems? Ugh 😩

  • Level 11441 with 24 moves and many blockers in this platform board.pls look into the way to pass this level without any boosters .

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