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when will you stop making new levels?

every wednesday you make 15 more levels, it take me 15 minutes to finish them. the only reoson for me to continue is my nomber 1 ranking. i would like to stay in that position without playing. so when will you stop making more levels?


  • Well gee. I guess they'd better stop now. You're obviously far more important than the millions of us who love getting new levels every week!

  • brasko
    brasko Posts: 15

    Level 2

    WOW... 15 minutes. That means 1 minute per level. I'm pretty sure that lot of levels, especially those where I'm curently stuck... pretty close to level 2000 luck is very important factor. So I guess you are luckiest man or woman on earth.

  • Debbie-5
    Debbie-5 Posts: 303

    I didn't realize that players were ranked.  As brasko mentioned, you must be one lucky person to be able to complete the entire episode in 15 minutes.   Heck, I can hardly get my computer up and running in 15min...congrats to you

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