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We want your feedback on the levels 11 826 - 11 870!



  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    Level 11826 was very close to my favourite and your point re uncontrollable cascades is spot on. These cascades are what make Rainbow Rapids levels very boring and relying on luck.

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 552

    I agree. Rainbow rapids levels would be better with 5 or 6 colors, because then you would have more control over the board, and would be able to easily position special candies for combos. @LindQ here is more to my suggestion.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713
  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Just finished the levels. Not going to bother providing feedback like last week because its clear the developers couldnt give less of a ****.

    All I will say is that in general there were enough moves on the levels to provide a challenge without being unreasonable. There were far too many levels with the same old jelly jars plus loads of blockers designs.

    Even taking a handful of moves off quite a few of these levels will make them stupidly difficult so this is probably what will happen unfortunately.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    Finished. The second Episode, although not as good as the first was ok, with the pick being Level 11852 with a 2 color order.

    Then we get to the third Episode. What a complete disappointment. It is obvious this episode is the work of a lazy mind and does nothing for the game of CCS. It is littered with boring Rainbow Rapids levels, total overuse of blockers and uncontrollable cascades. I cannot name one level I enjoyed.

    At least this week's release had no sour skull levels, but unfortunately no Samantha the frog levels either. As usual no Episode Race. I did get good use of my F5 team's timed boosters and also scored timed boosters from the Treasure Chest and Spring Climb.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Finished my levels this morning. Saved 6 levels to be completed today because of that there Deluxe Chocolate Box. Again timing is everything. Play it right!

    Now while I do not have a great dislike of the Rainbow Rapids a combo target is better in these. I really do not dislike any of the features it is just annoying with the stuff in the way is just too much! You can even trick me with a level and I do not mind that.

    Best Episode - 1st

    Favorite Level - 11858 interesting looking board. If you get it going some really good action. Likey! However did not care for Episode 3 although some of the levels were fun.

    ʕ •́ ᴥ •̀ʔ━☆

    waving my magic wand to make the levels super good for next week. Enjoyed this week all in all.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Congrats to you two on completing the levels! Woohoo!

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited May 2022


    Feedback on levels 11826-11870

    Did 'em (few days ago or whatever); they were what they were, at least until they get mangled (to <21 moves) in time for those playing on mobile devices...

    Week #48 of doing one episode per day=week #7 of the ER doing its usual disappearing act; maybe it will soon be time to do a year in review about that subject.

    For any interested parties (even though you're all experiencing something similar), they can guess on the # of times (out of 52) this joke of a feature will have either:

    • Appeared in all 3 (or 4, if applicable) episodes
    • Shown up in one/two of 'em, or
    • Not at all

    There was actually a 2-episode week in there, but anyway...

    Imagine if the maximum payout (40 GBs, so far) would've been available for this thing from the get-go, instead of scraping by with the DCB/dope dealer/etcetera.

    And from one stupid feature to another:

    With all these jackrabbits round here lately, does anyone buy that piss-poor excuse about that candy royale thing (the payout has been recently bumped up, BTW) not working for anyone at this stage?

    That ★ tournament (a similar feature) works flawlessly, every week (not that der Spieler tries it that often); so if anyone tries to convince you of why that candy royale isn't functioning for those of us at the top of the tree (here's an example, & you all know there are others), they're full of (the following image):

    Shout out to the bump man...

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713
  • CandyLV
    CandyLV Posts: 162

    11839, you be the judge! Not only are the moves reduced to the magical 20 again, the vertical bars on the top thickened, the pink and gray rocks are more solid, which require extra time to break them. I am sure at this point the King engineers just enjoy watching us suffer, otherwise I don't see why this is happening, just sickening.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?