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💌 Lives inbox capacity limit



  • lydiaha
    lydiaha Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hallo. Ich bekomme Leben von Freunden und habe auch noch Kapazitäten ,aber die Leben werden nicht angerechnet. Die Begrenzung ist absolut , Entschuldigung, zum Kotzen. Überdenken sie diese Neuerung noch einmal

  • terranova11
    terranova11 Posts: 141
    edited June 2022

    Well....this is no good...I am lets say kinda shocked...

    I contacted customer support with this issue..

    The answer I received (translated)

    "Thank you for contacting customer support. I looked in to the issue you described .

    We could not find any problem on our side that could cause this problem.

    To resolve this issue disconnect from your account , restart WiFi connection, and re-connect to your account again.

    Play one level and it should be fixed.

    How didn't work 😇

    Please King, fix this asap

  • crystal1973
    crystal1973 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Haha! I was told that I have reached my limit of 0 lives received!!! Candy crush responded to my email about not receiving lives by saying they have installed limits on lives and they know I will understand. My limit is zero, what a joke.

  • Pattyt67
    Pattyt67 Posts: 247

    Idiots have control of the asylum!!

  • MikeRoss
    MikeRoss Posts: 69

    Level 3

    edited June 2022

    @megalli Hey! Has it ever occurred to you that King is a company and not a charity institute?

  • Passa39
    Passa39 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    bonjour pareil pour moi je n’ai plus reçu de vies depuis 4 jours pffff??????

  • Anileya
    Anileya Posts: 17

    Level 2

    couple days i havent received any lives, not a one & its not because my 30 lives are full. nay nay, they are empty. dont start giving me new friends only to not let them help me, whats up with that!

  • Teaser1997
    Teaser1997 Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Putting limits on sending and receiving lives is down heartening. I have only a couple of friends and only two of them send lives but not daily. I send them daily. when I go down to 0/50 no more lives are filtered in... Can't this be fixed????

  • miller998
    miller998 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Echoing many people on this thread. My inbox is at zero and I have not received any new lives since the max limit was implemented. I regularly receive multiple lives a day from friends. I am receiving requests, but no lives. Please fix this issue and take the life cap off. No money is spent on boosters if there are no lives to play the game.

  • Sherry_purkey
    Sherry_purkey Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Can someone explain to me why I only get 5 free lives from my friends when it shows you are allowed 50 free lives..seems to me if you are saying we are only allowed 50 lives at a time then tell me why you only give 5 at a time time

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