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❌✉️ No Lives received/ inbox empty (fixed)



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited June 2022

    To be honest @terranova11 it is players like yourself that I feel sorry for. I have only been playing for just over a year, so for me the lack of moves does not affect me like it does players that have been playing for years. For me a board with twenty or less move is just what I am used to. I also don't play for that long. Before the new life system was introduced I used my five lives and then stopped, or I used a timed booster and stopped. For the most part I played a maximum of two hours a day. The new system of receiving lives actually meant I played more, but without it I will just go back to no more than two hours. Probably a good thing overall I would say.

    Each and every change made by King lately gives me less reason to play the game. One Colour Bomb for the Contest, so why bother? One gold bar for the Race, why bother? No Fantastic Five is just a reason for me not to open my game in order to help my team mates.

    I don't imagine for one minute that the changes are aimed at me though, and I fully expect that the changes are aimed at those players that don't mind paying to complete levels.

    In all of this King seems to have forgotten the players that have been playing since the start. Whilst the changes don't bother me I can fully understand how players that have been around for years notice the changes and also notice how it makes the game worse for them.

    What I can't understand is why King think what they are doing is a good thing.

  • bellabee123
    bellabee123 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    1 life today. I guess 3 will me the maximum. I am sending lives…. Are my friends receiving them? I keep asking for a life from them. Just hope they don’t think I’m being unfair if they aren’t receiving what I send. Come on King. Fix this!

  • GordyF
    GordyF Posts: 191

    Agree with everything said.

    I would also like to add they removed the sugar drop feature and the cascade.

    The cascade removal means players at the top have no chance of winning any of the competitions.

    Levels now are impossible unless you stop playing for a while until they " Tweek" them back to where they were originally.

    Also noticed that the Power Pop feature has a limit of 30 items so you have to use before accumulating again.

    There's probably more but anyway Everything they have introduced and removed from the game in no way enhances it.

    The changes are all about profit.

    The paltry amount of free boosters available to most players is laughable, It's all geared to entice players to spend.

    Don't get me wrong I have bought stuff over the years when it looked like a good deal.Yhe Season pass was not bad - Sadly again it has disappeared.

    Personally I do not have any way of collecting a Party booster or UFO within my game.

    Unless it changes I'll play until my bank of lives run down.

    My limit is 80 which is F all. I'm not going to be scurrying around asking..

  • BammBamm243
    BammBamm243 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Same here. So I reupdated three times. Now only some come through from my RL friends. Pass the word:. Personalize and reupdate three times.

  • kerrymonicaleslie
    kerrymonicaleslie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Not getting lives still. Stupid question, but how exactly do you update. I am afraid to just start messing around blindly in case I end up going back to the beginning....again.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited June 2022

    What device do you play on @kerrymonicaleslie? Generally speaking though find the Candy Crush app in your app store and select it. You should then be given the option to update or remove the app

  • Donna02
    Donna02 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    After reading a lot of comments, it seems obvious there is no "glitch", as CC claimed.

    You've limited the number of lives we can have in our inbox - fine. So now I read you have set a limit on how many lives we receive in a day?? Why??

    I was able to get 8 lives from my husband last night. That's it. I can't get any this morning, which tells me I have to wait until tonight. This is ridiculous. Those of us on higher, harder levels could use the extra lives. I think we've all spent enough money on this game. Why claim a glitch, when it was, obviously, the. changes you made here? It takes 2 5 hours for lives to fill back up. That's ridiculous enough.

    I don't think Candy Crush cares about complaints from its members, so them changing this policy is highly unlikely. It's not fun anymore. I've been thinking I spend too much time and money on CC Maybe this is confirmation that it's time to delete the app.

    A glitch - yeah, right.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Hello @mirnayd and @pattifer you won't receive any lives sent to you from friends, or relatives if you already have lives stored.

    If you check your life envelope and see something that says 101/80 (or similar) then this will stop you receiving lives.

    The second number (30/50/80) represents how many lives you are allowed to store and the first number shows how many lives you have got.

    If you have got more than your allowed maximum then you won't receive any more lives until the number of lives you have falls below the number of lives you are allowed to store.

    In addition to this there is an unresolved issue that means people that have 0/80 aren't receiving any new lives.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited June 2022

    If I understand correctly @Donna02 the glitch is that some people have zero lives and don't even receive the minimum number they are allowed to receive.

    I can't get any this morning, which tells me I have to wait until tonight. This is ridiculous. Those of us on higher, harder levels could use the extra lives.

    I totally agree with this though because as I have said elsewhere a store of lives is no good if you are only allowed to receive eight in a day. The store will never get used.

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