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❌✉️ No Lives received/ inbox empty (fixed)



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658
    edited June 2022

    Thanks for the update @mirnayd I will check my game later to see if it has changed.

    Some people were reporting that they had lost their limit yesterday, but my limit got increased instead.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658
    edited June 2022

    Hi @helvick I would guess the reason you have received more lives is because your limit has been increased. The bigger your limit is the more lives you will receive in a day.

    A limit of 30 means you can receive 3 lives a day and a limit of 100 means you can receive 10 lives a day.

    Please note that some people have reported that their limit has been removed. If you still have a limit try signing out of your game, restarting your device, and then sign back into your game.

    It being Wednesday today means it is app update day anyway. If you have your app set an auto update then look out for any changes later today.

  • Adav
    Adav Posts: 685

    @Kerrie , I never receive lives from all my "friends", but at least the ones that are sending lives, are sending on a regular basis, and I seem to receive them all now that they have taken that new "feature" off. Hang tight, I'm sure it will be properly resolved for you in a short while.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658

    @mirnayd no change for me yet.

  • Debbgood
    Debbgood Posts: 21

    Level 3

    My limit was 80 but now dropped to 50!

    my husband had 50 but now increased to 150

    but a week later still no lives being received! Nor are the ones I send to people. This is crazy!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658
    edited June 2022

    Hi @Debbgood it is crazy I agree. King has ruined one of the only decent features that Candy Crush had.

    You will not receive any lives if you already have more lives than you are allowed to store. In my case as you can see above I have 976 lives, but I am only allowed a maximum of 150. This means that I won't be able to receive any lives until the number of lives I have available to use falls below 150.

    Keep a close eye on your lives Deb as, with a limit of 30, you are only allowed to receive a maximum of three a day. I imagine it might be easy to miss seeing such a low number of lives arrive.

    I know the lives I am sending out to some of my friends are being received, but I don't know if all of the lives I send are being received. A lot depends on the limit of the person receiving them and whether or not they already have more lives than their limit.

    There were some people that said they had zero lives and couldn't receive any. I don't know if this is still the case, or people are just not seeing the miserly three lives a day they are allowed.

  • bellabee123
    bellabee123 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    There is hope….I have started to receive lives again! I no longer have the 0/30 message. Thanks for listening. 😊

  • Siria_doremifasol
    Siria_doremifasol Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Today the limit of 80 lives has disappeared! And it seems I can receive lives as before: just opened the game, i found 30 lives. Finger crossed, hope it is stable now. Thanks for your support

  • mems77
    mems77 Posts: 0


    Why aren't me free lives showing? My friends give me lives all the time and now they're not appearing anymore. Pls help

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