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💌 Lives inbox capacity limit



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    Okay @Lady_Hazel I play in much the same way.

  • spoekie
    spoekie Posts: 10,106

    Hi @Alienscar, @Lady_Hazel and all concerned. My name is Viviane.

    You are both on my friends list and followed the issues of limited lives. I also received that stuffed mailbox.

    I send every day 15/29 lives to all on my list, did sent few min ago 5 lives to all +1 to those who requested lives, they were 6 to asks.

    It's s frustating not to know who does receive the sended lives and who doesn't.

  • spoekie
    spoekie Posts: 10,106
  • georgeanno
    georgeanno Posts: 38

    Level 3

    What is the point of having a lot of friends if you are now limiting lives sent and lives asked for? seems like you will be downsizing your own game players and interactions, making the game even more boring than you already recently have. People binge play and need lives to remain interested in the game. The savvy ones use the time saving gimmick to get lives anyway... so what is the point of this limit. ??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7

    Level 2

    edited June 2022

    @spoekie Hi! Thank you for all the lives you send me since we been friends its been very helpful. I hope i send as much as you send me prior to this. Unfortunately since this whole mess i have not receive not even close to the number of lives you use to send me. I send a lot of lives to you in all 3 methods to send lives like i use to but from Alienscar and I conversation i don't think none of us receiving even half of the lives we swap. Im sorry about all this because you are in my top friends to make sure when i can even after the 3 methods to still find a way to send you lives through out the day since i receive so much help from you all. This has been such a mess but i will continue sending lives to the ones who do manage to come through my inbox. Again thank you!

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 437


    I went into the friends list and did the send and request for each

    Then went back in the list and does not show sending or requesting any lives

    Then I did the check all and went back into friends list and does not show requests or sent

    There is a software program if glitch

  • spoekie
    spoekie Posts: 10,106

    Hi @Lady_Hazel,

    Pls do not say sorry, you can't help it that the game is going down... none of the players is the cause of this mess.

    I continue to send lives daily (15) to all on my list plus extra 5 to those requesting hoping that some will arrive at destination.

    I can't receive lives for now because I am still above the 100 limited lives I did save up, so no worries. For now I only use those I got every 30min (5) but having practicaly no boosters and no gold, I play without and am still stuck on my level, once in a while I manage to pass one lol but am not going to buy anything.

    Thank you for posting and having replica.

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 437


    Im playing on mobile iOS looks like might have to go in and request from each friend not the check all list and request not sure

    Interesting based on your information I went into my ask friends list to ask for lives did a check all and request

    Then I went to a level to see if the green check mark was there but it wasn’t

    Then I went to the friends and looked and it did not show any lives

    I hit send and request and it now shows a green check mark in the level for a life

    see screenshots below

  • biriki
    biriki Posts: 28

    Level 3

    edited June 2022


    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

This discussion has been closed.

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