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💌 Lives inbox capacity limit



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Unfortunately @nursiepooh I think in your case it is the pop-up that is a fault. The thing that limits how many lives you can receive is your storage limit and as your limit is only 50 this means you can only receive five lives a day.

    @Crazy Cat Lad when will the issue of the in-game pop-up providing the wrong information about people's storage limit be acknowledged and fixed?

  • jmdivi72
    jmdivi72 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    This game is no longer fun. Goodbye candy crush. It was good while it lasted

  • lillithweiss
    lillithweiss Posts: 11

    Level 2

    They don’t know what to do anymore, I just got a notification saying that I can only receive 5 lives within a 24 hrs period. It’s completely unprofessional and disrespectful to keep changing rules, and conditions of the game.

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 436

    What determines the limit on lives?

    Game level?

    platform you are playing on, so if you are using Win 10 you get a lot more than those of us on mobile iOS?

    Amount of $$$ spent?

    What are the rules for this nonsense?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    I wish I knew @nursiepooh because I can't think of one good reason to limit some people to just three lives a day.

    Personally I think that a fairer way of doing this would be to allow every person in players' friend list to send one life a day and to restore the storage limit to 1000. This way everyone is a bit happier and your daily limit is only limited by the number of friends you have.

  • merbrandt1
    merbrandt1 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    edited July 2022

    I will never buy any boosters or keep playing if this inbox change stays permanent. It’s total crap!

  • Ah_Kwang-2
    Ah_Kwang-2 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hello fellow crushers. My first post.

    I am now at level 12095 I received a notification from CCS that I am now restricted to 50 lives cap and can only receive 5 lives a day . How to play weekly 45 games on 50 lives obviously King is asking me to stop playing .

    Has anybody else receive this notice?

  • coopsj
    coopsj Posts: 623

    I am on level 11890 and have had notification that I have restricted lives. Can't remember the detail, but it was more than you are saying. I think it is 15 lives a day with 150 in the bank.

    Of course this is extra lives from friends. We can still build up lives of our own every 30 minutes.

  • Ah_Kwang-2
    Ah_Kwang-2 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Tk u for your response. It started with limit of 100 lives and today it was reduced to 50. How to build up lives look .every 30 minutes? Play 1 game wait 30 minutes for another?

    Incidentally I am also not on candy crush special monthly theme for the last 6 months. I can only see it from my husband's phone and see the excitement of crazy cat annoyncement of the new theme.

    Can King provde an explanation?

  • Kaczka94
    Kaczka94 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I probably still have it damaged, I can only send one when I ask, but I can't send friends 😔 is there a way to solve this? Thank you

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