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๐Ÿ’Œ Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • arminahd
    arminahd Posts: 99

    Level 3

  • Ei
    Ei Posts: 64

    Level 3

    edited July 2022

    Lives resetting at Midnight???

    What's up with that, and what time zone? I'm still trying to figure out what constitutes a "DAY" in Candy Crush. Even though I play every day, sometimes I'm told I "missed a day" and my Treat Machine is set back. Now I have to wait 24 hours to use the 7 lives I have sitting there? Why didn't they reset at midnight then?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,664

    My guess @Ei, because no one in charge is willing or able to tell us, is that your 24 hours starts from when you use the last of your daily limit lives. That is, we know we are allowed to receive say 5 lives a day so I am guessing once you have used the last of your allowed 5 you can't use any more of your stored lives until 24 hours has passed.

    I have said elsewhere this s a tone deaf change by King and shows how little use this forum is as a means of providing feedback to King.

    Whilst the only communication language allowed by this site is English it appears that not everyone understands English and you will probably find that your post gets misunderstood and moved to the life collection thread.

    @Crazy Cat Lad @bearwithme

  • Ei
    Ei Posts: 64

    Level 3

    Thanks for replying. It IS telling me I've reached the maximum amount of lives for the day...which I don't understand. I've never gotten this before. So I guess now I'll have to write down each day when I stop playing. Also, up until today I've been able to accept more than 5 lives without being cut off. There has been a now says I can STORE up to I have 8/150. Anything else they can do to make this game more unpleasant? There's always a column in the Candy Box, that's impossible to complete too

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