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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    edited July 2022

    Think you've got your answer on this one @Crazy Cat Lad

    Something else King have come up with to ensure more players stop playing - shame.

  • TinaBrown57
    TinaBrown57 Posts: 99

    Level 3

    I've messaged about this, all I get is 5 lives a day yet I get hundreds asking for lives. I have now refused to send any lives until I get some but like a lot of people I will probably discontinue playing the game now. I've spent a fortune in the past but I feel they are trying to make us spend money, great example as they are going to eventually lose players and I for one will be one of those. On mine it says I can have 50 saved lives but as yet not a single life so not sending any either. I use to get loads of lives and returned lives but now all enjoyment gone out of the game they are on a lower her as no one will be playing unless you pay.

  • maliam
    maliam Posts: 8

    Level 2

    At least you are getting some lives, mine is always 0 lives from friends every day. Even after reset.

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 437

    This is a pic of my lives etc

    I checked for updates this morning there were none

  • scooter1
    scooter1 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    I don't understand the reasoning of giving players a half hour booster but only having 5 lives to use it. I hardly play the game any more. King should get rid of whoever thought this up instead of getting rid of players.

  • maliam
    maliam Posts: 8

    Level 2

    They want us to add more friends but what is the point if we cannot receive lives from them?

  • jeanps
    jeanps Posts: 25,431

    Hi @Crazy Cat Lad

    I must say I find the changes to the lives extremely strange.

    My screen shows no 'lives/day I can claim' section on the right hand side. Since the changes I have received no lives, presumably because I have a lot already.

    Sending lives was the only way I could keep in touch with my virtual friends. So I don't see many of them anymore. I certainly send lives to those who ask, but the requests are rare now.

    I got a message saying I could have 100 lives, but my actual number says 50.

    So overall this change has resulted in me being a sole player again. I miss the fun of sending and receiving lives - it kept me in touch with the players I see in the episodes.

  • pillow6
    pillow6 Posts: 1,086

    I want live limits to disappear, it's feeling disappointed King. Better quit because of live limits.

  • lizwilliams7
    lizwilliams7 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited July 2022

    in your image above, the number on the right shows "0/5" for the lives accepted per day. My inbox shows "0/0" which means I am not allowed to use any of the lives given to me by my friends. Is this permanent? A bug?

    Edit: now that 0/0 tab is gone and i can use my gift lives again. Thanks.

  • christinaluv08
    christinaluv08 Posts: 34

    Level 3

    edited July 2022

    Wow I had no idea it went down to only 5 lives today that is insane! You would think they want everybody to continue to keep playing their game but by then forcing us to not too long ago only except 10 lives a day and now only five lives a day it's like they don't want us anymore they're trying to get us to stop playing it's crazy people don't have and that's most peoples escape from reality you know it's crazy.... You know somebody else decided to make games like Candy crushes but changed a lot of the stuff gave us free boosters or free gold bars after hitting 70 milestones or doing this in a game or whatever everybody will quit playing because they forced us to spend so much money with them or quit taking lunch from us or making it harder for us to even play it's crazy they're going to end up running their self out of business you know.

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