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When I try to load Candy Crush from my laptop, it comes up briefly, then goes back to my laptop page

Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

Level 1

When I try o load Candy Crush from my laptop, it comes up briefly, then goes back to my laptop page.


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Hi Lorna,

    Thank you for contacting King Care!  Are you using or through facebook? Windows?



  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I think I am going thru Facebook. Definitely not windows.
  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I'm not loading on to Facebook to play. I have the app on my IPad. So it might be
  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I meant logging onto Facebook. Said loading by mistake.
  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Okay Lorna,

    When was the last successful time you were able to log on to CC?

    I'm going to have you try a couple of things, here we go.

    Lost your connection to Facebook on an iOS device?

    Loading/Crashing issues: iOS:

    Please let me know if these do or do not work out for you, I surely hope they do!

    Good luck! 


  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I can't log into the game, which is my problem. The last time I could was two days ago.
  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Did you go to and try to login?

  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I just went to but couldn't see anywhere to login.
  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Okay it's in the upper right corner, but you'll probably have to click "use desktop site" in your browser settings (3 dots on top right if you're using chrome). That's the only way I can see the login info. 

    Let me know if that works for you, (sorry I don't know where your browser settings are for other browsers!)


  • Lorna_Reeser
    Lorna_Reeser Posts: 14

    Level 1

    That didn't work. How do I know that I am synchronized with Facebook or king so I don't lose everything I've accumulated over the past 6 years when I delete and reinstall the app on my IPad?

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