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Level 1
You almost lost me when you started limiting lives. Now you are getting ready to lose me again. Daily climb is gone. Gold bars stay at forever 5 moves. It's not worth playing the same level more than 24 hours. This is supposed to be a game.
What level are you on fycc, some people play the same level for weeks.
I get where you are coming from though as some of the changes, drastic or otherwise, don't make a lot of sense from a customer point of view.
I'm on level 12178. The daily climb disappeared from my game months ago. The gold bars no longer increase the number of moves as the level is played. These are the hardest booster to earn and to only get 5 additional moves is just a bunch of b.s.
Whoa near to the end of the map then. I have commented elsewhere that this change to the extra moves is going to lose King a lot players because from what I can gather people at the end of the map have to regularly buy the extra moves just to keep playing.
All I can say to you is if you like playing the game then just wait as the extra move change seems to come and go for most people.
Sorry, but I am not sure what you mean by the daily climb.
it is getting too tiresome isn't it
I agree! Seems everyday something is taken away that limits movement.
These people are billionaires, give us a break. From what I see, people are playing,less .
Be carefull what you ask for. One step forward,,,three back. Ugg.
Agreed. If you don't want to provide more than 5 extra moves with gold bars, then the levels should be passable as is and maybe need 5 extra moves, but that part hasn't changed. What a joke.
Agree, doesn’t relax nor encourage me to continue playing. When I need a break iI will go back to reading my ny books! Frustrating..not relaxing.
Well some levels like 11011 get buffed many times then they just revert it back to the original version
Can't agree with this more. This game has always been a money grab, but remained just loose enough to remain fun. The greed has caught up to them and it has now crossed the line to unplayable for me. The final straw was tonight when i opened a level and it shuffled twice due to no moves available then failed the level without having a chance to make a single move. Goodbye King, you'll get no more of my money.