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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! (2022)



  • even with 40 moves, game 12145 is unplayable. It gets boring to play candy crush

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Fantastic. At level 12202.

    Yes, I understand. You are asking me why still you are playing this game, which is repeatedly irritating and increasing your stress 😖

    Your programmers closed all the doors now.

    Take a decision and enjoy without candy Crush.


  • superflyy_k1
    superflyy_k1 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    I've on level 6048 for the past 5 days it's kinda impossible to complete.

  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    Level 12229

    its not shown as a nightmare level but it should be. I used a sparkle colour and it was covered over and I couldn’t clear it what a waste. There’s clearly not enough moves and way to many blockers. This level should be looked at. Don’t bother using boosters when they make it impossible to use.

  • Scorpio54
    Scorpio54 Posts: 63

    Level 3

    I agree-yet another impossible level without using gold bars, ufos and/or party boosters and I’ve run out of all of them trying to pass previous impossible levels. 20 moves is not enough. After numerous attempts, the best I done is have 83 jellies left. What a joke. Have to wait for King to give me a lucky board. Meantime I will lose the Episode Race yet again due to an impossible level.

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Level 12226.Impossible to finish. Need lucky board are increase the moves. 😔

  • Level 12235.Impossible to finish.

    Give us 35 moves like in the video with 28 it doesn't work

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 436


    KING this isn’t relaxing or fun

    20 moves???? The developers need to try playing these levels across all platforms

    20 moves???

    The board continues to reshuffle

    cant get close boosters no booster

    now limited lives from friends and NO EXTRA MOVES

    I am playing less and less which is why it’s taking me so long to get through a level

  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    Level 12240 is another level that should be rated difficult. When I stared playing this level yesterday I thought this looks like fun well I’ve changed my mind after being stuck for 24 hours playing on two devices it’s ridiculous I haven’t even gotten close the picture below shows how many are left.

  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    It keeps getting worse !!

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