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šŸ’¬šŸ’­ļ»æ Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! (2022)



  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    It gets ridiculous doesnā€™t it they take away all the moves and expect you to pass. Iā€™m stuck on level 12240 I havenā€™t even gotten close itā€™s not marked difficult but Iā€™ve been stuck for over 24 hours. Good luck with your level and hopefully you pass soon.

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Yes. You are right. Once, if you get two or three combinations with color bomb and striped then it will be over.

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Stuck at level 12241. Waiting for lucky board or fix it.

  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    Level 12227 itā€™s not showing as a hard level but it should!! Iā€™ve been stuck for two days playing on two devices I lost the chocolate box about to lose the race for gold bars. I havenā€™t even gotten close whatā€™s with this it really is getting ridiculous. Some levels you scoot past then your stuck for days. Has anyone been stuck for days on level 12227 .

  • LensCandies1
    LensCandies1 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Iā€™m at 12320 waiting for new boards,and yea expect almost all the boards like that as you pretty much have to pay the 10 bars to get the extra 30 moves in order to clear boards.No way to clear them otherwise.And Iā€™m having to wait 6 days for new boards and they only give you 20 so canā€™t win and weekly tournaments and canā€™t gain points for your group either.Wish I could spend the 6 days waiting helping friends clear hard boards,all this sitting Iā€™m ready to quit the game bc as you said getting impossible to clear a board without spending

  • leejays1
    leejays1 Posts: 113

    Level 12280 I donā€™t get close to collecting the coloured candy. I agree with you itā€™s hard to earn points for your team when you are stuck for days on one level. Itā€™s not enjoyable anymore. I donā€™t have enough gold bars and donā€™t want to spend money on a game any more.

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Level 12271.oh my god. Need lucky board.

  • game 12259 with 28 moves and 171 blocks cannot be completed. On the video 31 moves and only 117 blocks

  • AteneaMadrid
    AteneaMadrid Posts: 40

    Level 3

    edited August 2022

    12268 i*

    *Edited by CM: šŸ¤” Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - OurĀ House RulesĀ 

  • game 12259 after the update today there are only 20 moves more for 117 blocks.On utube video 31 moves for 117 blocks I think you think the players that are left are dumb assholes

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