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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • ladyvpr67
    ladyvpr67 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Am glad not the only on not another dime from me either this absolutely not right completely agree😡

  • Cat512
    Cat512 Posts: 18

    Level 2

    This is surely the most idiotic business model ever. How can King make money from players who are prevented from playing? 😳 Ridiculous.

  • mono1020
    mono1020 Posts: 25

    Level 3

    It's ridiculous. This game isn't just skill, it's also luck. The luck is gone unless you buy something. It makes me really sad. I've played for years and now it's just annoying. The 20 life thing is gona end up costing them money. I'm will not buy more lives. King has officially because a company that only cares about money. It just sucks.

  • PM_1978
    PM_1978 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    edited September 2022

    I noticed that only 20 lives can be used everyday from the lives sent by friends and also store only 200 lives. What is the reason?. Already, issues are there with F5 (one source of getting boosters). Other sources except spin wheel and daily treat machine, everything got removed. No sweet cinema, no ads for boosters/extra moves, no climb tree, no power pops, etc. Weekly race and episode gold race now a days becoming impossible since CCS make players to struggle to finish the game with reduced moves. I am actively playing for many years and crossed 12400 levels. With my experience, I am telling that now a days, each and every level we need to use boosters or additional 35 moves with 10 gold bars option. Sometimes, 35 moves also got stopped. Close all the gates and make players to go for purchase of gold bars and boosters. O.k. it may be a business strategy of CCS. But, how many people can go for purchase every level. That too, CCS is coming in a free game catagory. Sometimes, we are not enjoying with purchases since it is not sure that level will clear even after purchase. If you are bringing new, new restrictions and crushing active players like this, people will get frustrated and definitely move to other games. Only hackers will enjoy CCS. Please, first of all decide whether this is free game or premium game. Saying free game and forcing people to pay for playing. I am writing this not for me... for many candy lovers who eagerly play CCS and struggle a lot. With my purchases, through offers and events somehow clearing my levels. Either make CCS as premium game and earn money or add more exciting booster and gold bar events on weekly basis if CCS say it's a free game.

  • Brittanyn86
    Brittanyn86 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I am so mad about this update to allow you to only accept 20 lives per day!!! Wth is wrong with yall! Got to be democrats! Always tryin to tell people what they can and can’t do but I bet y’all candy crush creators are sitting there in your little play offices just livin it up and playing as much as you want. This is not cool. I’m on level 9555 and now you’ve taken away the amount of lives I can accept from MY friends?!?? This is not fair. Geez. Just go back to the way it was. Get rid of this stupid update! This is not a smart business move on your guys end! It would seem like you would want us to use all our saved lives because then that would mean we might spend more money to get more. But nooo. Now I get a treasure chest and can’t use my boosters because I don’t have anymore lives to accept!!!! Reverse this!

  • christyclyde
    christyclyde Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Just got the 20 lives use per day limit. This is awful. Why do this? I don’t get it. Don’t they want people to keep playing? PissedOffPlayer. 😡😡

  • Brittanyn86
    Brittanyn86 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Wth is wrong with them?!?? They’re taking the relaxing fun out of this game that most of us have been playing for years! I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on this game but you guys are right, not one more penny from me !! Give us back candy crush!!!

  • copas
    copas Posts: 255

    Im stocked in a level just because of lives and I have 80 to use…

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,830

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback will pass this to the Game Team , meanwhile please check this page about Here

  • Brittanyn86
    Brittanyn86 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I have 426 lives and can’t use them! Just earned boosters and can’t use those because I reached daily life limit which is crap because my friends gave me those to use ! Money is the center of the root of all evil. And that seems to be unfortunately, all this world cares about anymore. No more money from me. This is ridiculous

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