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Recent CCS activities/changes are towards loosing active players. Do you agree?

PM_1978 Posts: 56

Level 3

edited September 2022 in Discussions

I noticed that only 20 lives can be used everyday from the lives sent by friends and also store only 200 lives. What is the reason?. Already, issues are there with F5 (one source of getting boosters). Other sources except spin wheel and daily treat machine, everything got removed. No sweet cinema, no ads for boosters/extra moves, no climb tree, no power pops, etc. Weekly race and episode gold race now a days becoming impossible since CCS make players to struggle to finish the game with reduced moves. I am actively playing for many years and crossed 12400 levels. With my experience, I am telling that now a days, each and every level we need to use boosters or additional 35 moves with 10 gold bars option. Sometimes, 35 moves also got stopped. Close all the doors and make players to go for purchase of gold bars and boosters. O.k. it may be a business strategy of CCS. But, how many people can go for purchase every level. That too, CCS is coming in a free game catagory. Sometimes, we are not enjoying with purchases since it is not sure that level will clear even after purchase. If they are bringing new, new restrictions and crushing active players like this, people will get frustrated and definitely move to other games. Only hackers will enjoy CCS. First of all they should decide whether this is free game or premium game. Saying free game and forcing people to pay for playing. I am writing this not for me... for many candy lovers who eagerly play CCS and struggle a lot. With my purchases, through offers and events somehow clearing my levels. When the time comes like I am horribly struck and not able to progress further, I will move to other game. Either they make CCS as premium game and earn money or add more exciting booster and gold bar events on weekly basis to boost active players if CCS say it's a free game. In free games, generally they earn money through ads, not through frustrating players and make them to purchase.



  • Olaya988
    Olaya988 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    edited September 2022


    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381

    I just wish they would tell us why they decided to change the lives system we are all in the dark about this do they know something that they can’t tell us about it

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658

    Do you agree?

    I do and I don't agree @PM_1978

    It is a well-known fact that Candy Crush is classified as a freemium game. That is, it is an app that is free to download, but it includes in-app purchases. So, like a lot of freemium games players that want to play completely for free must expect to get stuck once in a while. This is because if free players could advance easily there would be no incentive for players to make in-app purchases.

    I do agree that some of the changes do seem to be biased towards people that pay. The Episode Race change to only providing one gold bar for finishing outside of the top two positions clearly seems to be aimed at encouraging people to pay so that they are guaranteed to win the Race or aimed at rewarding those that don't want to pay with less gold bars. As I said though in a freemium game this kind of behaviour is expected.

    I don't really miss the adverts. It was nice to receive the moves/boosters, but they crashed my game that often I stopped using them if they would affect my level.

    I am not bothered by the change to the life system as for me even 20 lives a day is still more than I used to receive before the introduction of the Candy Connections in January of this year.

  • kazann
    kazann Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Think they want us to spend money on lives, I won't be doing that.

    I think it's stupid we have lives from friends we should be able to use them.

  • PM_1978
    PM_1978 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    Freemium...fantastic. With this word, everyone give skeleton and we have to buy all parts for functioning. Very good business strategy now a days. I don't deny the fact "app purchases are involved". Everybody can't go for purchase every level. My point is that now a days, CCS is closing all the doors and forcing players to go for purchase almost every level. The new live restriction also on that direction. By this way, If pro players are getting irritated and move to other games then who will take the game farward. The lower and middle level players will also loose interest. One day it will be unpopular game. So far the game plan was good. Those who wants to finish fast go for purchase and others progress slowly. Past few months only, I am seeing horrible changes. Reduced moves, removing booster events, restricted lives, etc and all ridiculous. Instead of free download and pay for everything, they can make it is as a premium game. Why I have to cry ? I will also quit the game one day if it goes like this. There are thousands of interesting games in market. Please, try to think like CCS is an organization and players are the employees for the growth of organization and profits. They have to give rewards to employees and should not try to empty the wallet of employees.

  • JaneDarcy
    JaneDarcy Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I totally agree. unless king changes this decision, i i’ll no longer play. you can’t make a huge change like that without informing the community and explaining why.

  • ht2112
    ht2112 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I've been playing for years..if they don't get rid of the 20 life limit ..I'll find something else to do with the time I spend playing this prepared to lose faithful players over this dumb new rule

  • I'm over it. I'm DONE.

  • sakhi_0310
    sakhi_0310 Posts: 30

    Level 3

    I agree... This is ridiculous move From CCS.... I will also stop playing this game if they don't remove this 20 lives barrier...

    Even extra moves things has stopped....

    I am at more than 8100 levels and had been playing for many years now... If this continues I am quitting the game.... There are many other games option available

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