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We want your feedback on the levels 12 501 - 12 545!



  • CandyLV
    CandyLV Posts: 162

    @demon803 you will see the same problems over and over. They somehow messed up cherry and chocolate at level 12523(?) too. Same thing with having to complete multiple tasks before revealing the blockers, by then you have already used up the stupid 20 moves!

  • demon803
    demon803 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    Well, I must admit levels 12521 - 12524 were nice levels

    fun to play, a challenge, but not impossible

  • None of this makes me excited to start the new levels. Same old same old. 20 moves and loads of impossible levels.

  • Same...videos on how to beat the level shows 29 0r 30 moves, no episode race to win gold, ugh!

  • madammeowmeow
    madammeowmeow Posts: 29

    Level 3

    12526 is infuriating! All the vids show 30 moves, and not the same blockers. Now it’s 19 moves with extra blockers that are impossible!!!

  • angiebonner
    angiebonner Posts: 51

    Level 3

    12519 impossable once more.the games are getting boreing now please can you fix just wasting time playing.i will never pay for any games cause that the only way you can clear this.

  • 12538 has 18 moves and an almost completely locked board, plus keys to collect and loads of blockers to clear. Needs either fewer blockers or a lot more moves.

  • angiebonner
    angiebonner Posts: 51

    Level 3

    12544 impossible to do with 18 move.your taking the fun out of the games now.they is no way you can do it.i wouldn't ever buy anything.please fix it and make it enjoyable again.

  • angiebonner
    angiebonner Posts: 51

    Level 3

    12544 is impossible. I like to see the person who designed it to pass it in 18 moves .it just can't be please can you fix it.or it just not worth playing it.

  • Klhr
    Klhr Posts: 18

    Level 2

    12544 cannot be done in 18 moves. Why do you keep posting videos on youtube with 30 or more moves for levels where you give us only 18? It is impossible in 18, and no fun. Please add more moves.

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