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No race

michaladm Posts: 4

Level 1


I used to play races then all of a sudden they have stopped. Not even showing up. So it also means I'm not getting any gold bars. My app is all up to date so why is this?


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649
    edited September 2022

    The issue of the Episode Race going missing from some people's games is under investigation @michaladm

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Is it under investigation @Alienscar

    I would really like to think so but I lost mine a while ago, got it back and it has disappeared again for the last 2 episodes, many others have also commented on this. So is it really still under investigation or is it something else they are phasing out. I havent seen anything lately to say they are looking into it, have you. Hope you say yes.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649
    edited September 2022

    I havent seen anything lately to say they are looking into it, have you. 

    Unfortunately @Carol-38 that isn't the way that this sites Managers do things. The post I linked has the title 'under investigation' and as I am sure you know that is all the information we will get.

    Personally I am in two minds about what is going on.

    As you know there has been an issue with the Episode Race for those at the end of the map for a long time now. Due to the way that the Race works I always thought that the issue was caused by a lack of players from which to create a record from. Nowadays I am not so sure because as time goes by nothing seems to be changing.

    I don't think the issue of the Race being missing for those at the end of the map is being investigated though. I say this because they have had plenty of feedback about the missing/erratic Race in the level feedback threads and they have never fixed the issue.

    So is it really still under investigation or is it something else they are phasing out.

    I sometimes think that 'under investigation' is code for 'we know what is going, but can't tell you'.

    Nothing related to computer coding should take long to 'investigate', also computer coding does not glitch. Coding doesn't suddenly stop working on its own. If the Race is working for me then it should work for everyone unless there is something in the code that stops it from working.

    As you say this situation is also worryingly similar to the Chocolate Box and the Fantastic Five. When people first lost their F5 the Moderators said don't worry I still have it so there isn't an issue and it isn't being removed. That sort of response doesn't give us much hope that our Moderators/Managers know as much as we think they should.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?