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Regularly disappearing lives

David_H Posts: 63 Level 3

Hi - I've been playing for many years, and know that if you clear your cache completely then any saved lives given by friends will disappear. That way I've lost many hundreds over the years. However, in recent weeks it's becoming a very regular occurrence, not through a cleared cache, just through switching Facebook on and loading up the game. Every few days I can guarantee the lives I've stored up to help with tough levels have disappeared and I'm receiving 'useful information' such as what all the different elements of the game are! Is there a reason that the game seems to be regularly reverting to a 'start from scratch' set-up? It's infuriating to have built up a stack of spare lives and as soon as you go to use them, they have been swallowed up and gone. Surely the current frequency of this happening - at least once a week - can't be right?


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