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🎃 Join the biggest Halloween Party with Cauldron Challenge!



  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    Golden Crowns is part of this post or other

    Golden Crowns

    Collect 13 Golden Crowns and win a big bundle of boosters. Guess what is a big boundle of boosters? One lollipope and one booster whell, and when I rotate it I win a fish. The big bundle of booster was one lollipop and one fish. It is not real for doing 13 Golden Crowns this prize.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    edited October 2022

    Thanks for the warning. I skipped Yeti's Quest Day 3 (and consequently Day 4) once I saw the reward was 3(? I forget) measly color bombs for completing 8 golden crowns.

    Maybe King realized they needed a do-over, but this new Golden Crown event isn't an improvement. In general, the booster wheel only seems to give me the worst boosters in the game--color bombs or striped/wrappeds--these days; no doubt King can manipulate their data to control which wheel prize players get and I'm on their naughty list. 🙄

  • SigmaMMX
    SigmaMMX Posts: 333

    Is this really serious?

    Gather 13 golden crowns just to win 1 Color Bomb, Lollipop, Booster Wheel and Striped and Wrapped Candy. 

    Sometimes you don't even feel like participating in these events!!! 

  • oggiekrstic111
    oggiekrstic111 Posts: 39

    Level 3

    What's the top prize for the Cauldron Challenge?

  • I’m sorry

    I want to win one of those Bom transphobia!!!!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,274

    @Tzvi_Marcu your rewards are better than mine. I got a whole paint bomb. 😂

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @DieOmimi Not my is better for this event all prizes are shame

  • Y1409
    Y1409 Posts: 1

    Level 1


  • lhau
    lhau Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Semana retrasada se n me falha a memória,eu estava com todos os bossters liberados e vidas TB por 14horas...porém quando eu pude parar pra jogar já estava quase n consegui coletar tanto ouro.

    Será que isso vai acontecer novamente?

  • Am on level 4986 but I guess you can go back in replay games are in the chocolate box prize pick the color orange that will help a lot enjoy in what level are you on

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