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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! (2022)



  • NathalieMaria
    NathalieMaria Posts: 62

    Level 3

    Level way to pass it after they completly modified the game and also are only 20 moves... Imposible!!!

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 607

    ok, I'm finished for now...level 12838, the levels in this episode are incredulously hard and just a killjoy... taking a break for a few days... I was patient and collected boosters and gold bars to give myself a helping hand but to lose all of this in a few episodes is just heartbreaking for me... good luck everyone and I hope ADMIN take a chance to read all the comment(negative and positive) from the players

  • angiebonner
    angiebonner Posts: 51

    Level 3

    12808 impossible once more please fix it.getting bored playing candy crush now.dont play it has much has I use not fun anymore getting fed up with being stuck on the same level for days.

  • moehre65
    moehre65 Posts: 41

    Level 3

    edited November 2022

    Almost none of the new levels can be completed without 35 extra moves (or even 70).

    So you have to finish the level with senseless moves at least 20 times to get 30 extra moves 
    to then buy the extra moves with gold bars.
    If at some point you run out of gold bars, you will never be able to complete these levels.
    King! ... what do you want to achieve with it? ... do you sometimes listen to what people write here?

    Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Check our House Rules 

  • angiebonner
    angiebonner Posts: 51

    Level 3

    12811 another impossible level.wot going on.please fix this.or just not worth playing candy more.getting bored with it.

  • Jeff22644
    Jeff22644 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Level 12790

    So what are you guys do flip a switch? I've been on this level for 3 days and I'm out of work right now so I've been playing probably 10 to 12 hours a day and go through the times of day where it gives you a flying saucer and extra moves. It's getting stupid. I'm not paying you guys a dime. I put up with your stupid ads that you're making money off of. I don't know if you have an economist there but there comes a point where people are just going to turn your game off instead of watching that so you lose out. Usually it goes 3 days or so and then you get a bunch of color bombs and you can beat the level but I don't know what you guys are doing now. For weeks and weeks and weeks it seemed like there was good cop bad cop there in your programming department. One week I go 130 140 levels and then the next week I'd go 30. Now for the past 3 weeks it's just been 30 30. My goal was to get to the end of the game but at this rate it ain't never going to happen. I planned on getting to the end of the game but just playing the 30 levels every week so your money will keep trickling in and I've got something to do but if this crap keeps up I'm out of here.

  • borja123456
    borja123456 Posts: 25

    Level 3

    Level 12889 is another level with the 20 pointless moves in which you can't do anything but accumulate extra moves due to the incompetence of the designers who modify the levels to make them impossible without using gold bars. Not interested in playing the next levels as it will be the same situation.

  • moehre65
    moehre65 Posts: 41

    Level 3

    edited November 2022
    I don't know what you King, @QueenB are trying to achieve with your level changes
    ... and most importantly, why aren't you answering or responding to the hundreds of complaints?
    Make even more money?
    If you want to scare off the players then congratulations ... 
    I'm out...bye

    Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Check our House Rules 

  • moehre65
    moehre65 Posts: 41

    Level 3

    edited November 2022
    I don't know what you King, @QueenB are trying to achieve with your level changes
    ... and most importantly, why aren't you answering or responding to the hundreds of complaints?
    Make even more money?
    If you want to scare off the players then congratulations ... 
    I'm out of this...bye

    Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Check our House Rules 

  • LilaHummer
    LilaHummer Posts: 52

    Level 3

    I am having a great luck week. Thanks for that. I appreciate and thank whomever is my lucky charm.

This discussion has been closed.

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