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Candy Crush Saga sending lives pop up not appearing

LIHA Posts: 2 Newbie

For some time now, I am not getting the daily pop up to allow me to send lives to friends.  I am still receiving lives and am able to request lives but just not able to send proactive lives like I used to.


  • LIHA
    LIHA Posts: 2 Newbie

    thanks but this does not answer the question.  When I do this I only see who has sent me lives or asked for lives.  Previously I got daily a whole list of friends and i could click on their names to send them lives.  I have searched and not found an answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend

    Hi LIHA, so sorry for not getting a notification in my email that you responded back to me.  With the new version of the game using HTML5 that list that you are referring to is no longer available. 

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