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We want your feedback on the levels 12 680 - 12 770!



  • katieko
    katieko Posts: 5

    Level 2

    12729 is impossible / impassable with 20 moves. Just watched a video with 25 and it was completed in 25 moves. I am fed up with levels that simply can’t be passed with the number of moves given. I understand the need to make money, but there has to be some fairness involved.

  • katieko
    katieko Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Some of very difficult levels aren’t even called hard levels.

  • Iceprincess9
    Iceprincess9 Posts: 55

    Level 3

    Exactly and it just keeps getting worse. I've pretty much given up. Don't even enjoy this anymore. They cram so many things into each game that have to be accomplished to pass it and then give you 20 moves to do it. King not all of us are willing to dish out cash to pass a level which appears to be the only way to do it at this point!

  • Iluvgames
    Iluvgames Posts: 135
    edited December 2022

    Level 12717 Are you kidding me? Day 4 x 100/day = 400 attempts so far. Maybe 3 times the last column even opened up and the 35 extra moves “Might?” have finished it?? Wasn’t gonna risk it cause then I’d have no bars left at all. Again, this level is absolutely ridiculous!!! As a reminder of which inane level this is, here’s a pic of it. Any pointers from those that have passed it? Boosters don’t work either and I think I’ve tried every possible start move available, multiple times each 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Sooooo friggin frustrating these impossible levels are, UGH!!! 😡😡😡 HELP!!!

  • Level 12717 ^^^ Six days now and AHHHHHHHH MAKES ME SO MAD!!! Give me a break will ya? 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • Then don’t play Candy Crush at these levels 🙄🙄🙄


  • Russ_Boudrie
    Russ_Boudrie Posts: 67

    Level 3

    I am on 13231 and tonight I used all my hammers and hands and set up the board with a color ball and up stripe with 8 moves to go. I needed 1 licorice to appear in those 8 moves. One came down the left side where I shot the stripe up and was hit and disappeared

    without counting. Too much of this happening lately. Very disgusted.

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 437

    12751. Mathematically Impossible

    Sugar coats cover the licorice swirls and there are 2 red keys no red anywhere on the board. Then you have to get ride if the cake bomb

    Of course the number of moves have been cut

    On mobile iOS version there are RARELY any stripe candy dispensed

    watching the you tube videos in the original erosion with more moves there were striped candies every move on some and every other move on others

  • Zee-2
    Zee-2 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    these are no win levels. Even with 85 moves I did not pass 12863 level. Why? Because I did not buy anything for the past two weeks. I refuse to buy any more as CCS has become a fraud of a game and not fun any more. You can win only if you keep on buying.

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