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Why no more ads to watch to win boosters or lives?

Since yesterday, there are no ads to watch to carry on playing at the end of a game, no more competitions with other players to win golden bars, no more sweet cinema to win more boosters, etc, etc... So; after 6 years of active playig, I have lost my motivation...



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,768

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    The video ad feature is still a test feature, which means that some of you can get Lives, while others can get Booster or other items from this feature.

    This also means that the video ad feature will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices.

    So if you at the moment are missing the video ads in your game, just stay tuned and keep an eye in the game to see when it's back.

  • tracygaylor
    tracygaylor Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I have never had treat machine or chocolate box you have now removed the five so how am I supposed to get boosters as well as restricting lives you are taking the pleasure out of the game.

  • Harleydogisgone
    Harleydogisgone Posts: 0


    I agree. Candy Crush is going down. I also bought one time and every since that, no more balloons, no more ads for boosters. Cannot get lives from friends, except a few a day and then you are pretty much done. Waiting almost a half an hour in between each time sucks. Also been playing for about 10 years and this is just awful. Why don’t you care about your players?

  • Giselahsiao
    Giselahsiao Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same here: last Saturday, Dec 10, 2022 first time I purchased gold bars and boosters then won’t receive sweet cinema free boosters or extra moves if viewing ads! Why like that, it seems that Candy Crush betrayed us who’re loyal and long term Players.

    I am so disappointed that Candy Crush didn’t take care us, just want more money from us.😭😤

  • teasir
    teasir Posts: 4,565

    @ Harleydogisgone 

    Same here.

  • richpivjr
    richpivjr Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Same here

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381

    I am in the same boat with out the F5or the free daily video

  • Cecile_Josse
    Cecile_Josse Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Again, the ads have disappeared, very frustrating to carry on playing, because when you are stuck on a level, there is nothing you can do. (I have used almost all of my boosters, so no help possible).

    Last time I mentioned this issue, the ads came back a few days later, like before.

    This time, it's been 3 weeks, I have been patient, but again I'm losing interest...

  • tracygaylor
    tracygaylor Posts: 8

    Level 2

    It’s frustrating I only have the booster wheel and daily win to get boosters .

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?