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2 useful Candy crush glitches that I know of

colton123 Posts: 58

Level 3

A FREE and fast way to get infinite boosters:

Requirements: An account that you can sign in and out of, at least level 1000 unlocked

That is right, there is a way to get free boosters including party boosters using this method. To do the glitch, you need to go to a milestone level like 1000, 2000, 3000 up to 10000. This glitch works best on level 10000 because you get 4 party boosters. To activate the glitch, when you press the play button, you need to spam the gold bar button. The thing about this glitch is that is usually does not work the first time so you need to exit the level. You will know if it works because it will let you sign out of your account in the middle of the level. Make sure you sign out in the level. When you beat the level in a signed out account, you will get the normal boosters that you get from beating the level the first time. When you sign back into your account, these boosters will be added to your account. One annoying thing is that the gold bar purchase menu will be in the background and tapping on one of the buttons brings up the purchase screen like normal. This also takes a life away from your account each time you do this. I hope that this glitch helps you progress much faster. Also a helpful tip is to go to the winter season or 10 years of candy crush screen and wait until the level banner (shows up based on what milestone level was your previous like 1000). If you do this, instead of having to scroll back, you will be put right at the milestone level to do the glitch again

Faster Candy Royale glitch: Normally when you win the Candy Royale, you have to wait 3 days until you can play it again. This glitch lets you play it every 30 minutes. To do this glitch, do the same thing as the previous glitch but this time, it does not have to be a milestone level like 10000. This time you have to go to the screen that appears when you first open the game (the winter season screen that says 10 years of candy crush) the glitch seems to only work when you go here. Sign into your account. The Candy Royale will say you have to wait 3 or 4 days at first but after playing a level it will go to 30 minutes. After this time passes, you can play the Candy Royale. Combining this glitch with the last one can create some awesome results.

Have fun with these glitches and I hope they help.



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