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Episode race glitch

madammeowmeow Posts: 29 Level 2

my episode race keeps saying I need to reach the next level for it to activate. I pass a level, it says I need the next one. Please help!

Best Answer

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 10,981 Level 5
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    Unfortunately it has happened to a lot of us over the past few weeks. There's nothing you can do apart from report it, like you have. You will also see from different posts that many more of us have reported it. This has happened many times before, just hope King gets a move on and sorts it out. Hardly any of the levels I am on can be completed without extra moves (gold bars) so the episode race should be a permanent feature without glitches. Or alternatively King stop messing around with levels making them impossible to pass without extra moves.

    I didn't receive any gold bars on my previous 2 episodes now on the 3rd where it keeps saying pass next level and the race will start, but it doesn't.


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