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🎙We want your feedback on the levels 13 476 - 13 520

QueenB Posts: 15,777

Happy level release day, Crushers 😃

New sweet levels are released weekly in Candy Crush Saga, and the Levels Designers want your feedback to make the game even sweeter.

This week, you can directly share your feedback on levels 13 476- 13 520 with the people behind the levels!

We would like to know how you feel about the following:

  • How long did it take to complete all the levels?
  • What level did you find most challenging and why?
  • What was your favorite level you would like to play one more time?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvements?

Comment and leave your feedback to the Team behind the new levels!

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  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Candy Crush Oh Yeah!

  • @QueenB Level 13483 needs adjustment. It is a boring, rigid Rainbow Rapids level that is impossible to beat unless you get an extremely lucky board or use a myriad of boosters.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Peter_Tornaros I just completed Level 13483 I agree with you needs adjustment, booster hungry.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Finished my levels going to be sorta busy.

    Ran into a problem on level 13512 it just keep cascading my 1st go around and I had to end the level and play again. I created a nice little blockage to cascade away. Of course lost my win streak/candy necklace.

    Some levels had to much stuff. Most levels I can find creative ways to pass without too much problem but I did use a few more boosters this week as it was necessary for me in order to fit play time in. There were not really many videos available for some of the levels on the 3rd Episode. I mainly use these videos to get the concept and figure out on some if there is a need for the Lucky Candy (I count). So I viewed Candy Crush Lover's videos as I often do. He/she always has the objective correct, I get it correct on what I need to collect so I have no problem with these videos. I find this player creative doing their own thing!

    The last level has Samantha so I am just going to say it is my favorite level this week. I like to move that Frog!

  • 13477 is not beatable without excessive boosters with 21 moves. Why are you doing this to us? It’s becoming too expensive to play.

  • AdaAurora
    AdaAurora Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hola, dónde está la competencia con otros jugadores, no me aparece.😭😭

  • Level 13477 is outrageous. 35 moves three weeks ago, I guess that's what those who were top of the leaderboard got on release day? We now get 21 moves to try and kick those of us trying to catch up out of the game?. It is completely impossible to pass in 21 moves. So you HAVE to pay in gold bars for extra moves. Boosters do not help at all with this one either.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 288

    I was playing level 13512 again on another account. And again, I hit the same loop.

    This time I was in the midst of Candy Royale 5/8.

    When I wanted to quit, it says "The show must go on! Don't give up".

    Well, how can I not to.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?