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How to transfer my progress from my old Facebook account?

brofes Posts: 12

Level 2

I have not get the answer for that question. It has been more then a week.



  • Hello there brofes! I am asking about this right now, so one of our SuperStars will hopefully be along soon to help you out with this. I hope you have a great day!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    Hi Brofes, I think our community moderator is going to have to deal with this one as if you are transferring data from one account to the other, we cannot do it ourselves. 

    Have you still got access to your old Facebook account? You could sync the old account with the Kingdom and then in future just log in with the Kingdom.

  • brofes
    brofes Posts: 12

    Level 2

    No, my old Facebook account ( is disabled. But all the progress is sink with Kingdom (brofes), but when I tried to login with a new Facebook account ( all the progress disappears. 

  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hello @brofes I can see my lovely Superstars have been looking after you :-) 

    I will check these accounts now and see what I can do, please note the restore will be manual so I am unable to transfer the exact scores and stars and all levels will be rewarded with 2 stars. 

    Please can you confirm that this is OK? 


  • brofes
    brofes Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I do not understand why it is a problem? I have everything recorded under me King account (brofes). In Candy Crush Saga I am on 1499 level with 62 golden bars and 521 extra lives. Most of the levels have 3 stars. I've spend a lot of time and money ($15-20 a week) to achieve this. And you wont to take all this away? I've been playing different games from different companies and only King games wants to rob me...

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434


    King isn't trying to rob you. 

    The problem is you tried to sync with your new Facebook account and I have never played a game that enabled you to transfer from one to the other from a closed account as all your data is gone. 

    If you are connected and have all the progress saved on your Kingdom account, just don't add Facebook. Just log in with the King account which you can do as many people do not even use Facebook. 

    The manual moving of progress is impossible to complete as you wish. It is computerised which means that the system will automatically move you to your current level and automatically give you 2 stars each level. It is not perfect, as you said, you completed 3. But the other alternative is to start again. Cez is unable to go into your account and manually programme each level and score etc etc. 

    To be quite honest brofes, and this is me, as a player as I do not work for King. I only volunteer. I am going to give you some advice. You catch more flies with honey. If you start being rude and insulting, when actually, nobody has to restore progress for you, it was nicely offered. Then you get nothing. King often give things as a goodwill gesture and if you ask nicely, they very well might . At the end of the day, you disabled your game account without transferring progress so its not actually Kings fault. She was trying to help you.  

    Are they all saved gold bars or bought? Bought bars can be replaced. I understand that you spend a lot of money on a virtual game, which you clearly enjoy so have a think what you would like her to do and I will pass it on. 

  • brofes
    brofes Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I apologize, I thought I am talking to a person who collects the money. Now I understand how the things works, sorry it took that long... Regarding your advise, let me tell you a short story... Once upon a time one family booked a big room with a balcony on a cruise ship, they were looking forward for that vacation, they told all their friends how happy they are to go on a cruise. But when they arrived, they were told the room with the balcony they booked is not available, instead they will received a small one with the window, and they cannot do anything because everything is automated. And they were told, they should be happy... Well Chicken Slayer, please do what you can or ask someone who can to make me "happy"...

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hi brofes, I am another Supestar who volunteers a lot of time trying to help the players here on King Care.  I hear your frustration but I am not understanding your need to be nasty to anyone.  Regarding your short story, your story sounds to me that you are so very unhappy because the room with the balcony was no longer available.  You are seeing the half empty glass but I see the half full glass.  You are very fortunate that you were able to take that vacation.  You are very fortunate that you have the money to take the cruise.  You are very fortunate that you have good health and can take that trip.  How much time would you be spending in your room?  Is it that important for you to look outside a window or is it more important to be able to go on deck and find a chaise lounge and enjoy the warm weather and the water and the dolphins swimming around and the entertainment on the cruise?  And please don't forget about the awesome food that they offer all day and all evening! 

    Please put everything in perspective.  You are very fortunate to be playing the game even though it can have some glitches at times.  Please try to think of those less fortunate who are blind and cannot play the game and enjoy the excitement of clearing a level.  Think of the older people who have arthritis in their hands and have trouble playing the game and what about the players who just can't clear a level for weeks?  

    One more thing - King isn't trying to rob you.  They are not making you spend your hard earned money.  It's a choice that you make.  As a matter of fact I play the exact same 3 games that you do.  I choose to spend money or not spend money.  King offers plenty of events and challenges where you can earn free rewards.  They also offer the sugar drop challenge where you can accumulate up to 8 free boosters every 8 hours in Candy Crush Saga.  In all three games they offer you free daily boosters.  So how can you say that they are trying to rob you?  

    So how about you look at the half full glass today!  Looking at a half empty glass all the time is only going to keep you in that frustrated and angry mode and is it worth it when life is too short?  Cez will help you recover your progress to the best of her ability.

    Wishing you a very happy holiday weekend!  And please continue to enjoy your crushing journey!

  • brofes
    brofes Posts: 12

    Level 2

    English is a second language for me, sorry I couldn't explain myself correctly. I don't know where did you see my nastiness?Yes, I am frustrated but not because my glass is half full or empty, for me it is always full, thanks to God! Please understand I am frustrated because you forced me to beg you to do something about my account, when other companies restored my progress on the spot, I just had to inform them...

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hi brofes, I appreciate you writing back.  Please try not to see this as begging because I don’t see it as begging.  I see it as asking for help correct?  That is what you are really asking, for help to get you back on the sugar track.  

    As Chicken Slayer told you there is no way to transfer progress from an old Facebook account to a new Facebook account because Facebook only knows that you were playing under one specific email address.  Once you start a new Facebook account it is just that a new account!  Are you also aware that once you start a new Facebook account you have to start adding friends to that account.  There can be no syncing between Facebook accounts so the levels that you had in your first account will remain there since it is disabled but what our wonderful moderator can do is to help you bring that old level into your King account.  She has to do this manually so she can’t get you back your 3 stars for each level.  Once your King account is updated you can then go into your new Facebook account and sync it.  One step a a time ok?  First we will work on getting your progress to work in the Kingdom ok?

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