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Instead of cake island I was sent back to toffee island at the end of the event

Andrew_Fisher Posts: 3 Newbie
This past weekend I olayed extensively to ensure I could progress past cupcake island.With less than two hours to go in the event I was solidly in second place, around 6000 points. I have screenshots to prove it.One hour to go and suddenly I am no longer competing for cake island but am on toffee island with 10 points to my name... which was insufficient to move off of the starting block. As I expended 100s of booosters to get to cake island, I expect this to be rectified.

Best Answer

  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Thanks @Elsa for passing this on 

    @Andrew thanks for taking the time to highlight this to us, I am really sorry that you experienced this problem. I have added some goodies to your account to compensate for the loss of rewards. 

    I will pass on this feedback to our studios to investigate the problems here. 



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,890 Sweet Legend

    Hi Andrew thanks for writing us here on King Care.  I am not sure if there is suddenly a glitch with this event but I was one island below the top island when I was suddenly dropped down near the bottom again.  I am unsure if this might have happened with the recent update of the game.  I know that dropping to the lower islands upsets some people but I don’t get upset because it is much easier to win in the lower islands than the top island.  Also are you aware that you won’t know until the game ends if you made it to the top 3 winners?  You have to wait until the last second to know if you won. Not too long ago I was in first place with 1 1/2 hours to go.  I was more than 1000 striped candies ahead of second and third place.  It was like 1:00 am and I was tired but felt confident that I would still be in first place the next morning.  Wrong!  I ended up in third place because the other 2 never went to sleep and continued to play until the final second.  Second place not only exceeded my 1000+ but ended up with 6 more stripes than me and first place blew me out of the park.  

    You said that you are looking to get reimbursed for hundreds of boosters, but were they earned boosters or did you purchase them?  If they are earned boosters from playing the events they can’t get reimbursed.  If they were all purchased boosters a moderator can look into your account to verify these purchases.  So please write back to let us know if they were earned boosters or purchased boosters.

  • Andrew_Fisher
    Andrew_Fisher Posts: 3 Newbie
    Thank you for responding.While I have nevr paid for a booster in candy crush, I think it is more than teasonable that either A- I should have a plethora more of striped&wrapped, sweedish fish and the color bomb boosters than i have now. I expended all of them to get the highest score possible.But preferably, B- there should be some way to advance my progress to cake island.With all due respect to rudyard kipling, I've no desire to start again at the beginning nor to keep silent about what is so obviously a glitch. My screenshot shows that I had 5550 points against a third 0place 3700, and 2390 was good for fourth. I did check again less thant two hours before the end of the event and neither third nor fourth had made any forward progress. I had eclipsed 6000 pounts by this time. Given the amount of time it takes to get 1000 points I cant see where these ither players could have both caoight up and surpassed me in the time that remained. But I'll never know apparently since all my progress was erased and I was back at toffee island with the starting score of 10.I really have no desire to start this over from the befinning. There are many solutions out there for when someone loses progress in the main game. I find it hard to believe that my statements cant be verified and my progress corrected. If I had fallen short of the mark I'd not be all the way back at the start but still ine step away. Or if eleven people could have all made up 5000+ points in the waning hours Id be one step back. As it is, this frustration is enough that I am considering quitting this game altogether
  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Thanks @Elsa for passing this on 

    @Andrew thanks for taking the time to highlight this to us, I am really sorry that you experienced this problem. I have added some goodies to your account to compensate for the loss of rewards. 

    I will pass on this feedback to our studios to investigate the problems here. 


  • Andrew_Fisher
    Andrew_Fisher Posts: 3 Newbie
    Thanks. While I would have preferred to be on cake island, this takes the sting out of the glitch.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?