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How to get gold bars other than paying



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Thanks for writing again @Blister. I have gotten that 'needs to be approved' message for my posts a few times. I used to write short stories here in the community and the server picks up words that don't seem appropriate and puts the message into a hold until a community manager clears it. In my stories sometimes I would quote something from an article and if it had a word that it didn't like it went into that mode until someone read what I posted and then approved it.

    I used to be at the top of the game every week waiting for the new episode to be released, like you. I remember that we'd be a group of us who would clear the new levels on the same day and we'd be in the 'waiting room' until the following Wednesday. But then I realized that I had boosters sitting on my mobile devices and since mobile is behind Windows 10, I waited until those new levels on mobile were released and started using up my boosters. Now I'm 2000 levels behind. Many days I sit on the same level now and I agree that they've gotten harder but to some players they need the challenge of the difficult levels to feel that they accomplished something. For me, the only accomplishment that I enjoy these days is to clear a level and I couldn't care less if I never see 3 stars. When I started chatting with players here years ago there were many players that had to do 3 stars on each level. If they were up-to-date on all levels they'd go back down to the lower levels to get the 3 stars. Not me! It's exciting just to clear a level.

    If you ever have any ideas on how the game can be improved, I suggest that you go over to the "Ideas" area, check out what's already been posted and vote for any that you like, or create your own idea. It has to be a positive idea with details. Some of the game studios do implement ideas here and there so maybe you can suggest an idea to help get more free gold. You can see what's already been posted HERE.

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    Only community managers (and other forum admin accounts) can approve flagged comments. Even moderators can't, as per their own admission.

    Since Romeo Oscar Yankee Alpha Lima Tango Yankee got discontinued, they must remove the word from the word filter. Although it's against the rules, you could use a special character instead - Rõyalty. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned! 😁

    Anonymous loyalty programme aside, I've seen people post screenshots of them getting some (extra) gold bars for watching ads. I have ads but don't have these features in particular. It's even more unfair for players who don't have ads in the first place.

    No idea what it says on the screen. 😬

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Love this thread @Blister @_Elsa_ @Doondie so I'm going to join in. Yes something else really helpful to players stopped along with Fatastic5. Like you Elsa, I always used to finish levels and eagerly await the new release every week. Now mid 13000's 4 weeks behind what I always used to be. Not pushing myself anymore as most Episodes require 60 or more gold for extra moves, plus stacks of boosters. Things I don't have a lot of, so pacing myself.

    I put in an idea this time last year for gold bars, which was cancelled. My very helpful friend @Alienscar who has always advised me on things (haven't seen much of you lately Alienscar, hope you are well) told me that the one thing we can't ask for is gold bars. It's banned by?? I can't remember, doubt that that has been lifted.

    Doondie you keep finding things others are getting that I could really do with. The only test group I'm in is for the new Saga map, and I wish I wasn't. As you know I got the message I was unsuccessful (out of time) for the 26 gold bars recently. Would have been helpful to have been informed I was in that test group, but obviously another King glitch.

    Alienscar I have my tagging back which is helpful, only thing is it's added you again below and I can't delete it.

    Happy weekend all.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi @Carol-38! I am also enjoying our conversations here. I don't know how you worded your idea but it might go over better if you suggested an event in your idea that would offer us free gold bars. For example, I just played the game a few minutes ago and I decided to try the Candy Royale. Well it didn't work out good for me this time because I ended up losing. It didn't upset me because it was only up to 6 gold bars. Last night I tried it on my mobile and the gold bars were over 20, but I lost so it was gone. So there are ways of getting free gold bars if you are lucky enough to make it to the end and get a nice amount of gold bars. Even 6 gold bars would have made me happy because they can add up! Why not give the ideas area another try but offer some way to get free gold bars, unless that's why you tried before. I'm always trying to come up with ideas for us so maybe we can brain storm together.

    Is this the only game that you play? I play all 4 candy crush games. Sometimes I find better luck with one game more than another. Lately Soda seems to be the best for me but I do love playing Friends? At night when I am on mobile devices I will try all 4 games. I never use up the entire 5 lives because if I can't clear the level after 2 or 3 tries then I close it and go on to the next game. After playing those it's time to watch TV!

    I don't have the new map in my game yet but I do like the appearance. Have a wonderful crushing day!

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Hi @_Elsa_ I only play the one game. Have a lot of other things that take up my time so don't want to start anything else. I don't bother with Candy Royale when I actually get it. There's no way of passing 8 or 9 levels first time. Many levels take a day or 2 and a lot need extra moves, gold bars, that I am very careful with.

    It was a year ago but I'm sure I suggested that the Daily Win be changed to give us 20 gold instead of the UFO. That way players could decide whether to hang on to the 20 Gold for extra moves or trade them in for a UFO which requires 20 gold anyway. So King wouldn't be losing out, just players getting the choice.

    Believe me you wouldn't want the new map as it is now, it's awful. Takes me nearly a thousand swipes to get from the 13000's to just under 1000 for levels I want to go back to for certain features like Chocolate Box. Not pleasant at all. And others have stopped playing because it's only in portrait mode which affects their eyes.

    We'll see what happens in the future. Hopefully some helpful features that we'll all get.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    I don't think ideas about getting gold bars will ever work out. I love the UFO, but not too fond of the party popper thing. A couple of years ago I created an idea to be able to type in a lower level number on the map and click to go to it. I'll go get you link now. brb.......... Click HERE and add your vote. It does have a lot of votes so please add yours to it. I know that there are many pages of not understanding why it hasn't been added to the game considering that it's now over 13,000 levels. I know that 2 other King game studios have added something like that to their game so whether it's a coding issue or just not significant enough I really don't know. What I can do is to ask the current community manager, @QueenB, to please present it to the studio.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Yes for years we've been complaining about not having a map scroll bar. Not sure if you've seen the thread in Discussions headed 'New Saga Map Makeover' . I have already discussed the scroll bar with QueenB and apparently King are considering it. You will see I have asked more than once, the last time asking is they are still just considering or if a decision has been made. I think it takes a while for them to respond to QueenB, so we haven't got a proper answer yet.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    @QueenB is excellent with follow up so she will update you once she gets more information.

  • Blister
    Blister Posts: 210

    It's OK having a level that's challenging, always enjoyed them. It's another thing have levels that are impossible and only passable with gold bars. Candy Royale no good for me neither, can't even pass levels not shown as hard first time. Then to have things taken away for example the 'R'. That's why I'm asking if anything is taking it's place or do we only get them by paying. Want to know so I can decide if I'm going to carry on. I'm not posting anything in ideas, don't think anything comes of that, as you put re your idea @_Elsa_ re scrolling feature. King keep changing things, making the game sweeter for themselves. They need to decide if it's a free game for some or if it's now a pay game for all.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    I don't know what else to share with you today @Blister. I have won at Candy Royale but can't remember now how many gold bars that I received.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?