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๐Ÿ Episode Race ๐Ÿ



  • I think the episode race is not what it seems either. You don't play against others in real time, but those who went through the levels BEFORE you, though I can't figure out how the algorithm chooses who it will pit you against, but it's probably rigged like everything else. I have managed to win episode races by saving up my boosters and gold bars and then trying to finish the whole episode in one go. That way, if you don't close the game, you are bound to win. The more often you close and restart a game the further you fall behind. Once your episode is complete, whether you have won or lost, take a breather and don't rush the first level in the next episode because the race doesn't start until you have passed that.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I've been playing it for many years and I think I'm playing with real players. I keep playing the game until all lives are gone. Then I have to close it. Sometimes I go to another device and play all the lives there. Last year I was still able to get the 40 GB. And was able to play through 3 episodes. Today it is no longer possible. I got out of the difficult level yesterday and am working on 9831. A new episode starts with this level.

  • jeanps
    jeanps Posts: 25,430

    After playing over 13000 levels, I too have just about given up this game. So the distribution of GBs is a second level issue for me.

    Hot air balloon gone, Royalty gone, Choc Box only gives 15min timed boosters, episode race comes and goes and the levels get harder without any strategy other than luck. And even my 13000 tag has been downgraded to 10000.

    I play for fun! So I've moved to other games

  • JinShi_Kook
    JinShi_Kook Posts: 18

    Level 2

    The version of Episode Race in my game is labelled Champions Race, with top finisher getting 45GB. I don't have enough new levels to join in the run๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Yesterday I had played on the tablet and took all oil. Then I went to the PC to the Window 10 app and continued playing there. I did the episodic race on the PC.

    There are differences on the tablet you get 20 GB and on the PC 25 GB. So I was pleased that I could finish it on the PC.

  • rogerrabbit
    rogerrabbit Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Folks the name of the game in Kings eyes is make you spend money so they make more money. The levels episode race levels are becoming more and more difficult to pass for a reason. Why increase the chances to pass a level? Because they know levels are more difficult plus higher the number you will spend to pass. There was a time if you passed 7 levels in a row had a chance to win gold now up to 9 times in a row. Why so you will spend money to grab that gold. Pure and simple it is all about players willing to spend money to pass levels. A huge money grab. One day had 4 hours of free time. I moved 2 levels in 4 hours because I refused to pay to advance. Imagine that. If all players for one week would refuse to pay to advance something would happen real quick. Just saying. I am on a level right now that I have yet in 2 days got down to singleย digits since I refuse to pay to advance., Anyone see a pattern of behavior? I know I do.

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @Spinnifix. I don't like the amounts of gold bars awarded to runners-up and believe these should be changed to give players an incentive.

    I too get stuck on levels and, when I see that players are already way ahead of me in the race, I don't waste whatever boosters I may have to try to catch up and get one GB - and I'm certainly not spending money to do so.

    With the closure of the Royalty programme, I shall probably be playing less.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?