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Daily Win

Carol-38 Posts: 12,227

@QueenB @Novapichu Well here we go again something else King have taken full control of,as well as the Chocolate Box boosters.

Just used all my lives and 10 gold bars to pass a level not shown with any difficulty, played it for 2 days and it completed my daily wins. What do I get for my daily wins, all timed boosters including 10 minutes for the UFO.

What use is that to me, or other players with no lives left to play, so useless boosters. Why have King taken away the last chance (the one before was F5) to gain a UFO that players can save and use when they decide it will actually be helpful. Please stop using 'we are changing features to make things sweeter' because that really isn't happening.

Is this a test to see how many complain or are King adamant on taking full control over how we play our game. It is getting to the stage where it just really isn't worth playing.

Hopefully you will feed this back to the section who are making these 'very sour' decisions.

Thank you.


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,842
    edited March 2023

    Thank you for the feedback Carol and we'll make sure it gets passed on!

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,227

    Thank you @QueenB but do you think they will actually take any notice and put it back to how it was. I know you can't answer that and the answer is probably no. But being as to complete daily wins to get the boosters now takes approx 2 weeks they should change it back and add another UFO.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666
    edited March 2023

    Hi @Carol-38 you aren't the first to notice this change, so that either means it is a test that is being slowly rolled out to various groups of people or it is a permanent change that is slowly being rolled out. Time will tell I guess.

    Personally I think this change ties in with the other thread about lack of ways to win gold. Providing timed boosters is just another way of forcing people to buy gold.

    If you can't save a level winning booster such as a UFO until when you need it then people are going to struggle to complete the more difficult levels.

    It really makes no sense to offer a timed UFO as a reward as the next level/levels you play might not be difficult enough to warrant using a UFO.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,227

    Yes @Alienscar again everything you have put is correct. My next level is a Nightmarishly Hard one and I doubt very much that a UFO alone would be helpful with that, and a 10 minute timed one would be absolutely useless. Will probably need many tries, extra moves a UFO and other boosters. So to be giving us timed boosters is just a way to stop us saving and using when we want/need them and as you say, pay.

    Let's hope it is just a test and they put it back to what it was, as this is so controlling of how we each play our game.

  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232

    I agree @Carol-38 it’s so frustrating. I miss the UFO, it was the only way to win one.

    Years ago when we could collect sugar drops (remember them?) they did the same thing, changing the rewards to timed ones. They did eventually change them back but I think it was months before that happened. And then they discontinued them completely without a good replacement. That seemed to be the start of the game changes that try to force us to buy boosters & gold.

    I don’t have a lot of faith that King is listening & will fix the Daily Win & Chocolate Box rewards.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I agree with everything you said @Carol-38 and @Alienscar.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,219

    I perfectly agree with you guys. If they keep this change I doubt I will carry on playing for much longer. The only fun in the game was always to gather boosters and then knowing when to use which one. That's been the only challenge in a game so controlled and fixed as Candy Crush is.

  • Sam_Henderson
    Sam_Henderson Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am kinda disappointed that my UFO is timed too. Seems like they are trying their best to make the older players just give up and play something else.

  • RMD
    RMD Posts: 25

    Level 3

    I'm really disappointed with this change too. It was great opportunity to get a UFO - the timed one is not nearly as useful.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?