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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023



  • gailanna
    gailanna Posts: 54 Level 2

    Give back the moves on 13467

  • sueblakeley1960
    sueblakeley1960 Posts: 1 Newbie

    Does anyone else get a pop up msg when King games are.loading? I always get the same one - "hi there upper pendulum 19, level 1" any idea what this is?

  • MitzRatu
    MitzRatu Posts: 186 Level 3

    Here we go again stuck on level 12066..can't proceed any further, countless lives lost n can't get into friends lives help.

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 559 Level 3

    having the same issue, on level 13723, I should say, been stuck on this bloody episode long enough, even the "easy" levels are NOT EASY and the super hard and nightmarishly hard levels do not have enough moves to complete, I've had to use up all of my boosters and gold bars, developers ask for our opinions but do nothing when we say what is going on

  • bigfish
    bigfish Posts: 56 Level 3

    All levels are getting worse for moves. I have been stuck on 2208 with 18 moves 3 dragons in 3 levels of cages no boosters, no bars, for nearly 2 1/2 weeks. They seem to not care anymore I don’t buy anything so that is probably why I don’t get any where I have e-mailed them but no answer as usual please fetch the old candy crush back

  • jmlewis
    jmlewis Posts: 14 Level 2

    Level 3076 - feedback. OK, I'm just on level 3076, but I've got to say it's becoming less enjoyable to play as this level only alliws me 11 MOVES!! Unless I get two color bombs, ther is no chance of beating this level in11 moves. I refuse to be forced into buying powerups. If I can't beat the level without spending $$, than I just get bored and stop playing. Please give this level a reasonable amount of moves. Thanks.

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 559 Level 3

    I hate the new way they are doing new episodes-first level is "easy", then the next level is nightmarishly hard, then easy, easy, nightmarishly hard, easy, easy, nightmarishly hard, easy, easy, super hard, hard, easy, super hard, then the last level is easy... and the kicker?? the easy level isn't even that easy!! I'm down to 12 gold bars because I had to use the vast majority of them to pass the last levels...not enough moves for each level and definitely not that easy to pass each level... trying to be top three in ALL STARS but that ain't happening!! levels and episodes are ridiculously hard and it's not getting any easier

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 559 Level 3

    I'm so sorry... been playing this game since it started, and I wasn't thinking about winning the money or given going to London, I just wanted to play and win the levels and the episodes so I could get more boosters and gold bars, so I could win more levels and episodes...I think it sucks and UNFAIR that they put us against other players who are NOT in our friend's group, it's been really disheartening these past few episodes I see how the ADMIN has been doing each episode and the levels...

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 559 Level 3

    my comments are NOT being posted...I'm done... on level 13372( nightmarishly hard level) this is the second level on this episode, and I'm heartbroken with this game, I did not want to bitch about the unfairness of the game but I'M DONE...

  • GSH10
    GSH10 Posts: 60 Level 2

    Level 13831, like many levels lately, has been changed to make it impossible. Many times I am able to win gold bars to buy powerfully boosters , and after many tries end up with 65 extra moves. This level has so many multi layer blockers it can never be passed without multiple party boosters and UFO's. Do you randomly choose what players get the impossible version? Your development team is stuck on stopping progress of players who don't buy boosters. Now if I cannot win gold bars I will be forced to leave the app in my trash bin!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?