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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023

QueenB Posts: 15,776
edited January 2024 in Discussions

New sweet levels are released weekly in Candy Crush Saga, and the Game Team and the Level Designers want your feedback on the new levels every week.

Click on the levels here below that you want to comment on to give your feedback directly to the people behind the levels!

Most recent releases on the Windows app:

Level 15 831 - 15 875

Were there any moments during the game play that made you feel frustrated or stuck? If so, what caused these feelings?

Level 15 786 - 15 830

How long did it take to complete all the levels?


Level 15 726 - 15 785

What is your favorite character/element/item in the game, and why?

Level 15 666 - 15 725

What level did you have most fun with and why?

Level 15 621 - 15 665

What is your favorite character/element/item in the game, and why?

Level 15 756 - 15 620

Will you make it to the Candy Cup finals with the help of these new levels?

Level 15 531 - 15 575

How long did it take to complete all the levels?

Level 15 486 - 15 530

Did the new release help you progress in the Candy Cup event?

Level 15 441 - 15 485

What is your favorite character/element/item in the game, and why?

Level 15 321 - 15 440

Did you enjoy having more than 45 new levels to play?

Level 15 276 - 15 320

What is your favorite character/element/item in the game, and why?

Level 15 231 - 15 275

Were there any moments during the game play that made you feel frustrated or stuck? If so, what caused these feelings?

Level 15 111 - 15 230

Did you enjoy having more than 100 new levels to play with?

Level 15 066 - 15 110

What level did you have most fun with and why?

Level 15 021 - 15 065

Were there any moments during the game play that made you feel frustrated or stuck? If so, what caused these feelings?

Level 14 961 - 15 020

What was your favorite level you would like to play one more time?

Level 14 916 - 14 960

How long did it take to complete all the levels?

Level 14 871 - 14 915

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 14 826 - 14 870

Did you use your brain extra hard to figure out any levels?

Level 14 781 - 14 825

What was your favorite level you would like to play one more time?

Level 14 736 - 14 780

Did you had fun collecting the blue soccers candies?

Level 14 691 - 14 735

What is your favorite character/element/item in the game, and why?

Level 14 646 - 16 690

Were there any moments during the game play that made you feel frustrated or stuck? If so, what caused these feelings?

Level 14 601 - 14 645

Did you had fun collecting the purple B candies?

Level 14 556 - 14 600

What level did you have most fun with and why?

Level 14 511 - 14 555

How would you rate the latest episode on a scale from 1-5?

Level 14 466 - 14 510

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 14 421 - 14 465

How would you rate the latest episode on a scale from 1-5?

Level 14 376 - 14 420

How much does a narrative mean to you?

Level 14 331 - 14 375

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 14 286 - 14 330

What did you think of this latest release?

Level 14 241 - 14 285

What was your favorite level you would like to play one more time?

Level 14 196 - 14 240

How would you rate the latest episode on a scale from 1-5?

Level 14 151 - 14 195

Did you enjoy collecting the orange tickets and purple guitars?

Level 14 106 - 14 150

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 14 061 - 14 105

Did you use your brain extra hard to figure out any levels?

Level 14 016 - 14 060

Did the new levels help you progress in All Stars?

Level 13 971 - 14 015

On a scale from 1 to 5, how much fun did you have playing this episode?

Level 13 926 - 13 970

Which level did you find the most challenging and why?

Level 13 881 - 13 925

How long did it take to complete all the levels?

Level 13 836 - 13 880

What was your favorite level you would like to play one more time?

Level 13 791 - 13 835

Did you use your brain extra hard to figure out any levels?

Level 13 746 - 13 790

How long did it take to complete all the levels?

Level 13 701 - 13 745

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 13 656 - 13 700

What level did you find most challenging and why?

Level 13 611 - 13 655

How long did it take to complete all the levels?

Level 13 566 - 13 610

Did you find it easy to collect purple hearts candies?

13 476 - 13 520

What was your favorite candy that you collected?

Levels 13 431 - 13 475

On a scale from 1 to 5, how much fun did you have playing this episode?

Level 13 386 - 13 430

What was your least favorite blocker you encountered in this episode?

Level 13 341 - 13 385

Did you use your brain extra hard to figure out any levels?

Level 13 296 - 13 340

Which level did you find the most challenging and why?

For older releases in 2022, please check HERE.



  • Narishkite
    Narishkite Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Many levels have been retroactively changed. I've been slogging through 291-299, and I'm ready to uninstall the game. Each one takes endless attempts, and even boosters barely help. There simply aren't enough moves to finish without massive luck. I understand having some difficult levels, but it isn't fun to spend days on a level, be forced to pull out all stops to get past it, only to go through the same thing with the next one. The game is not fun anymore.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 6,426
    edited May 2023

    @Narishkite Heya! Welcome to the candy crush community!! And yes some levels can literally frustrate you as you are unable to move forward. Some say looking a level videos helps and sometimes in those videos the level layout is different. Or it isn’t updated. I really hope you do get passed levels and yes boosters can help but sometimes you use them up and still get past the level.

  • 11310368979
    11310368979 Posts: 29

    Level 3

    edited May 2023

    Also for me. But not in 200 since 300 level, i live this difficult to 1300 level from now on. Today i am to 1567 level and i'm not so happy when i play

  • Colleen Companion Welsh
    edited May 2023

    Wait for it...If your frustrated at level 291-299 I highly recommend deleting the game and save yourself the frustration because it simply does not get any better. Currently at level 5664 and I finding it so boring having to spend days on each level before moving onto the next.

  • mcgirl
    mcgirl Posts: 74

    Level 3

    edited May 2023

    It's frustrating to be stuck on a level, but they also have to keep the game challenging. It's a fine line.

  • Narishkite
    Narishkite Posts: 7

    Level 2

    edited May 2023

    Agreed in principle, but they are way over the line.

  • Leslie_B
    Leslie_B Posts: 387
    edited May 2023

    Challenging is good. Frustration is not.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277
    edited May 2023

    What level are you stuck on? Maybe we can offer strategy

  • Ligu
    Ligu Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited May 2023

    I'm stuck at level 291, have been for over a week. The level only drops cherries and nuts every 10 move and you get a total of 30 it's impossible to win if you don't resort to spend money on it.

    Which I think is funny because the game is supposed to be free to play, but alas they dont give you a choice for playing for free.

    I think it's straight up BS and I'm giving up in candy crush. I want to spend my money on my own terms not because a game tells me to do so. And all of yall that is refering to the old levels and Youtube tutorials can frankly save it. It's just a generic response and doesent apply to you.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    edited May 2023

    Many of the hard levels like 291 will soon be changed to an easier version.

    Please stay tuned and keep the app updated!

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