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The last gummidragon did not drop

Snowplowing Posts: 2

Level 1

edited May 2023 in Discussions

I had an amazing winning streak but after like 100 levels, they didnt give me the last gummidragon, I tried using gold 3 times but still no dragon. This meant that I lost all booster and alot of gold, that cant be ok…



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,005

    I tried to answer this one but my comment was sent for approval. Really??? Well if the AI chooses to block me from being helpful, I might as well give up. @Alienscar you can probably answer this one better than me anyway.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Hi @christinewupp is your post that got sent for approval still in your drafts? If it is have a look at it and see if you can spot any words that might be causing your post to get sent for approval. Edit them out and try posting it again. I really can't understand why so many of your posts get sent for approval.

    @Snowplowing unfortunately I don't really have an answer for you. I can tell you that the issue of one ingredient (cherry or Gummi Dragon) being missing and causing people to lose their Win Streaks and use gold for extra moves has been going on since at least 2015. What I can't tell you is when or if King are going to fix the issue.

    Seeing has how Gummi Dragons replaced cherries even though the issue of cherries being missing was already an unresolved issue it is easy to conclude that King aren't interested in fixing the issue. The issue always resolves itself the next time you play the level, so this could be one reason that King don't want to fix the issue. Call me paranoid, but the fact that the issue always resolves itself by the time you play the level again is highly suspicious. It is almost like the game is coded to make players with a large Win Streak lose their win Streak. I never have a Win Streak higher than ten lately and I have never seen the issue of missing ingredients.

    This meant that I lost all booster and alot of gold, that cant be ok…

    It doesn't seem fair to lose something that you played for through no fault of your own, but King generally do not replace gold if you just won it by playing the game. They will definitely not replace your Win Streak. If you paid for any of the gold/boosters that you used to gain you Win Streak then they will refund you if you contact Player Support.

  • Snowplowing
    Snowplowing Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I won all the gold but still it is not a fair game this way. Now you say this about the cherries. I got the cherries as assignment but well that isnt even possible I assume.. strange this

  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 145
    edited May 2023

    This seems to be a bug with portals, I’m pretty sure. If very large cascades are happening and the dragon/ingredient goes through a portal (a drop through portal) sometimes a regular candy comes through it first somehow and the dragon/ingredient probably gets “stuck” inside the portal. When this happens the level is unbeatable since it never gets unstuck. @Alienscar Even though it may seem like a King thing to do to rob people and get people to spend more money,I actually had this happen when I had a zero win streak with a cherry, before gummy dragons became a thing.

    you can see it in this video if anyone wants to see it, THIS IS NOT MY VIDEO!

    You can see the last dragon spawn and then it disappeared into the portal at 1:49.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,005

    My rewritten post has gone for approval, too. Maybe word glitch offended the AI?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Problem is @Oichi this issue doesn't just happen on levels with portals. A Dragon can't get stuck in a portal as that isn't how digital elements work. For a Dragon to be produced then for it to subsequently disappear displays an issue with the underlying coding of the level.

    When it comes to software coding there isn't really a grey area for things like this.

    It would be nice to know if dragons/cherries have fleetingly existing on every level that this issue has occurred.

    It is good to know that it occurs with zero Win Streaks as well though.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited May 2023

    Try copying the draft text then edit your post above to include the pasted text. As you posted that comment successfully if it gets sent for approval there must be some word that the site censor does not like

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,005

    Thanks tried that method and it still gets sent for approval. I guess it's time to give up on that one, but thanks for helping me.

  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 145
    edited May 2023

    After re-watching the video frame by frame, it seems the color bomb turned the dragon into a blue striped candy for some reason? It does pop out of the portal for a couple of frames but then the color bomb changed it into a blue striped.

    Press the , and . keys to play frame by frame.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited May 2023

    Already noticed that @Oichi. Definitely something wrong with the coding as that isn't what is supposed to happen.

    To be honest this kind of 'error' still makes me suspicious of the whole issue. Afterall whether it be cherries or dragons the issue has been going on since 2015 as far as I can see.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?