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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023



  • Game 13621 on the video youtube

    My game 13621 impossible to finish

  • icauser44
    icauser44 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I have a major pet peeve about the game, and I wish they would fix it. Normally, in the past, when you start a new game, you just press start and that's all there is too it. Now, every single time I start a game, I have to click through at least 5 screens, mainly ones advertising boosters. It is so time consuming, and irritating as hell. Why cant you stop with the automatic popups selling the boosters?

  • lee_ann_b1105
    lee_ann_b1105 Posts: 38

    Level 3

    Level 13816.... another impossible one. Please let me pass and move on.

  • Babel20
    Babel20 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Atrapada en el 4860 hace una semana ,imposible de pasarlo. Muy pocos movimientos . También Queiro reclamar que mi juego no tiene Booster ni vidas extras . Cómo de algunas personas que conozco . Que tiene 8 vidas de inicio más anuncios que les dan Booster y demás 😡 a qué se debe que yo no tenga eso????

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    I see you have Seasons Pass. You got to the finish, so you know how to milk seasons pass again and again and again....? Anyone reading this I suggest you try a few ways around this. I found one by sheer chance. One way to get a lot of UFOs. I think they increased the price for the gold pass because they probably know there is a way and it's tempting for all the party boosters, so one way for King to get money from top players. Don't pay though. They don't deserve a single penny/dime from any of us.

  • GSH10
    GSH10 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    Level 14104 has been made impossible because there is an empty space that blocks the gummy candies before they reach the exit. I wish I saw this before wasting 2 UFO boosters. I eliminated ALL blockers and used 3 hammers to remove candies in bottom row but the gummy candies stay above the blank rectangle! Congratulations to the booster thieves at King. I had recently won 5 UFO boosters but now have only 1 left. Let it be known by those of you players who spend real money on boosters that King invents new level versions to make them totally impossible so you use your boosters up without passing!

  • my game 13648 (find the difference) impossible to play

    game 13648 on youtube. Ridiculous that these are posted on you tube

  • 5021Evergreen
    5021Evergreen Posts: 315

    Every level is ridiculously difficult! No fun al all. Just FRUSTRATION!

  • lee_ann_b1105
    lee_ann_b1105 Posts: 38

    Level 3

    Level 13827.... another ridiculous level. Too few total moves, few ways to create specials, and the chocolate covers every strategic move set up. Boring.

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