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What a pleasant surprise, Metin didn't try to overtake our top position- he/she was running at a great pace catching up, but paused when at level point, with almost 30 minutes left, choosing to take a Color Bomb and letting us have the top rewards. What a player.
1st episode finished. Whilst I had fun on a couple of levels, there were levels which I definitely did not enjoy due to their design.
Enjoyable levels:
14243 - Opening the wonderful wrappers feels good, and as two of them contain colour bomb+colour bomb combos, you can have fun watching their effects. It's easy and simple as well.
14246 - Interesting concepts used on this level. I also liked watching the striped effects.
14249 - A well-adjusted level. The jelly fishes were helpful in taking out the layers of blockers and chipping away at the jelly, and I noticed that the middle column forms a red-yellow-green-blue-purple rainbow. There is also some strategy in reaching the isolated jelly and taking out the blockers quickly.
14255 - Cascades. That's all.
Disliked levels:
14242 - The sugar coat candy cannon doesn't stop in regenerating sugar coats to cover up the jelly in its column, hence making the removal of the jelly tedious and much too difficult in 35 moves. The bottom was also home to frosting which was too thick. By the time you can unlock the rainbow twist chain in the middle being a large hindrance, you have only up to 25 moves left, and due to the board design, it is not doable to get the frosting out and finally take out the double-layered jelly in the time.
14245 - There are many blockers - but that is not the bad thing about this level. With 28 moves and a slightly awkward board, getting 170 toffee is way to much, especially when considering you also need to take out blockers at other parts of the board too. The toffee also clogs up the board and gets in the way, so this level should be modified to make it easier.
14251 - That's too many crystal candies and toffee to hit in 32 moves, especially with a crammed initial board and the presence of 5 candy colours.
14254 - This has a similar issue to level 14251, but with another twist - the sour skulls further increase the difficulty.
Overall, the 1st episode was more well-designed than a few of the episodes this year, but there is room for improvement, as always.
@CherylTeoh I am like @Peter_Tornaros and I have not seen Sam's Streak in a long time. In fact, I have rarely ever gotten it.
Have not started the new levels yet, appreciate everyone's input. Have been having my head wrapped around an old interest of mine in the game. Oh Yeah, the syncing...
I'm pretty sure you can look forward to a couple of levels this week! Yep, everyone gets different events, and that is quite frustrating since the events we don't have often give rewards that we need.
Why give feedback?....Episodes come and go and the same old things keep happening over and over again. Same old complaints and designers not listening. Level 14277 needs to be adjusted. Players should not need to buy more moves. Games should be amended when these "mistakes" happen.
Level 14284 is glitched as insufficient chocolate is spewed out of the magic mixer. You start out with 0 chocolate and the 40 blocks have to come out of the magic mixer. The mixer only gives out 1 per 3 moves, and since the first block of chocolate comes out of 27 moves left, let's assume the best case scenario where the chocolate spreads whenever it can. That is from 27 moves left to 1 move left, so the chocolate has 27 moves to spread. 40-27 = 13; which means that minimally, you need 13*3+1 moves to pass (40 moves), because you cannot collect chocolate on the move the mixer spawns the last block. Hence, the level is impossible. Please fix this issue promptly.
It was, however, good to see level 14204 get fixed yesterday.
Why give feedback? Because it is not the feedback to the "powers that be" that counts to me. It is the discussing things with you guys and gals. There is no other way to communicate with you guys. No one that I can physically in person discuss Candy Crush with... I have gotten some great thoughts from many players and that is not just from players on the upper levels...
Perhaps present your ideas in a different fashion? I see some of my suggestions happen, now maybe this is just only in my head? Hehe...
Things change, you just have to take notice. If one keeps doing the same things and expects different results well?
Remember Puzzle Game Here!
p.s. However, impossible to pass without gold, those levels are not acceptable. Ever...
Finished. First and second episodes were not to bad, however the third episode is rubbish and an absolute disgrace !!
Levels 14271, 14277, 14280, 14283 and 14284, all are near impossible as not enough of the required orders are spawned in the allocated moves. Whoever thinks this is the best way of extracting money from players is deluded and needs urgent counselling.
To force players to use/buy gold to pass levels is totally unacceptable.
I've finished, too. Levels I found quite fun in the second and third episode are: 14258, 14259, 14264, 14270, 14273, 14276, 14279, 14282 and 14285.
Actually, 14284 is completely impossible due to the fact that no matter how much you let the chocolate spread, you will still have a few blocks left over.