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Come, let's celebrate Candy Royale

CherylTeoh Posts: 307
edited June 2023 in Discussions

Well done, Candy Royale, one of the most talked about items here.

You have brought so many crushers to this community discussion page, even if it's just to express their dislike/annoyance/hatred towards Candy Royale. See how "Newbies" signed up here primarily to demand the right not to play Candy Royale, as part of the game. See how seasoned crushers threatened to leave the game if Candy Royale continues to annoy them. What great unity among crushers!!!

What have you done, Candy Royale?

I miss my daily encounter with you, thanks for all the gold bars that enabled me to buy extra boosters to keep playing (now at level 5490). I'll still try to play my daily 1 episode without you, and looking forward to meeting you every 5 days, until you're gone for good.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Yes and no. I miss Candy Royale, like you grandmother I don't get it at all in my main game. I used to love it as a means of earning some gold, and I even won the jackpot of 500 gold bars once. Such fun! But there should be an X button. Definitely! For several reasons:

    It annoys players who are stuck no end, it must be soooo frustrating.

    If you have timed boosters it wastes time and must be so, so annoying.

    It does not allow you to choose which level to start Candy Royale on. I used to like picking a difficult level in hope I'd get a bigger prize.

    Lastly, and this worries me, I ask this question: Now that EVERYONE is forced to play Candy Royale why isn't the share of the prize for the eventual winner larger? Surely the loss of the X button must mean lots more players dropping out! The maths don't add up here. Those who do get to the end should win a much bigger share without the X button. Can someone answer that one? HOW does Candy Royale actually work? Is it fake???

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    So one of my posts was sent for approval, one had an "id mismatch" , what now is that?

    Try again?

    Hi @CherylTeoh I do agree that Candy Royale is a great game for players with a certain playing style, and I am one of those also. I used to love it at a means of earning some gold. Sadly it disappeared from my game, not long after I won the whole jackpot of 500....

    BUT it does need the X button. For players who play the game slowly, one level at a time til they get a lucky board, it must be so annoying, and frustrating for all those who are stuck on a level. It is just so inappropriate for that kind of playing style. And if you are on timed boosters it is such a time waster.

    However, with all these discussions it has come to me that all things being equal, with EVERYONE being forced to play Candy Royale now, the share of the prize pot of the overall winner should be much bigger. It is simple maths. More players play, more players drop out. MANY more players drop out. So can anyone who plays to the end confirm to me if the prize is significantly bigger? If not, WHY not? Do I dare question if Candy Royale is actually real? ( I won't use the "f' word this time, maybe that is why my posts get rejected all the time)

  • Arrowflinger
    Arrowflinger Posts: 322

    I'm one of those who likes candy royale and wants it to stay. I've also done very well out of playing candy royale as I've won thousands of gold bars, completed chocolate box tasks and other features that pop up like summer season etc whilst playing.

    I no longer get this feature in my main game as it disappeared just before level 14000 which I think is a deliberate ploy by king to limit the amount of gold bars players at the top end of the game can win.

    @christinewupp it doesn't matter how many players start because players are put into groups of 100. So if there are 10, 100 or 1000 groups the prize is still for a share of 500 gold bars.

    Like the episode race i don't think this is a live event but recordings of players who have previously passed those levels.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    Last year I was winnning around 20 goldbars most of the time. When they made free boosters much harder to come by, my winnings went up. Now then everyone forced to play Candy Royale, I never got less than 60. So, it seems that the prize size is related to actual level win rates, after all.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    It doesn't matter how many players start, but it does matter how many of those who start play it to win. Now players that are stuck, don't have enough boosters or just hate Candy Royale are forced to play it, and that affects level win rates.

  • Arrowflinger
    Arrowflinger Posts: 322

    I'm one of those that does play to win candy royale, I also believe that if players want to opt out then they should be able to do so.

    That's right @MannyFae it doesn't matter how many players start because players are put into groups of 100 at the start of the contest. I also find it strange that you don't compete against any of the other players that you competed against either in candy royale or the episode race in later challenges, no do you compete against any of the people on your friends list

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914
    edited June 2023

    I also want opt out button for all. I don't get what they gain from forcing it on everyone.

  • Arrowflinger
    Arrowflinger Posts: 322

    I don't get what they get out of it either. It's the same with forcing players who use a tablet or mobile to play in portrait mode, the restriction of life's in the inbox you can use, timed boosters, removing gold bars for 2nd place downwards from the episode race, impossible levels, removing fantastic 5 (we are still waiting for it's replacement that we were told we would be getting) all done despite overwhelming negative feedback from the community. I don't think that the candy crush team at king even listen or even care about the feedback left here by the community anymore.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    @Arrowflinger My issue with the maths is of how many players are left after the very first level. Players who would in the past have pressed the X button now cannot do so, so there really should be much fewer players per 100 left after just the first level. However, I am pretty certain that like in the episode race players are not allocated to each other at random but carefully chosen and matched, after all it is not a real time event. King control who is in which group knowing also how many are left after 2, 3, 4 ....8 levels. So essentially it is engineered I believe. It does not really matter hugely, it is still a good event for me.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?