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Friends and lives

nalilala Posts: 23

Level 3

Hello, for a few days I have found it difficult to receive lives although I have never had so many friends. Most of the time I can’t even reach the 20 lives I used to be entitled to each day. It looks like you’re now able to ask for some, only once you have 0 left. Then obviously it takes forever to rebound, or you have to wait for half and hour to get 1… sounds like old old boring times….

Did King do that consciously? Is someone experiencing the same problem?



  • katiemacm
    katiemacm Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same! Until recently the lives were replaced really quickly but I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that they take much longer.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited June 2023

    @nalilala Is someone experiencing the same problem?

    In the last couple of months your complaint about not receiving as many lives as they used to has become a common complaint.

    Ever since King removed the Send Lives button from the level rankings of some players in May the number of complaints about not receiving lives has increased. My guess is that people either don't want to send lives one by one, or they don't know that they can.

    I don't think you have to wait until you have zero lives to ask for more. Click on your heart icon.

    Click on Ask Friends

    Select Check all and then select Ask for lives

  • nalilala
    nalilala Posts: 23

    Level 3

    The problem is not with the heart button, the problem is with regenerating the lives. They just don’t come any more! In that context you’re stuck on a nearly impossible level for daaays! It makes the game so boring I’ll tell you what I’ll read a book instead it will make me cleverer and less addicted.

    Thank you King.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    The problem is not with the heart button, the problem is with regenerating the lives. They just don’t come any more! In that context you’re stuck on a nearly impossible level for daaays! 

    Yes @nalilala and as I tried to explain above my opinion is that the problem is linked to the removal of the 'Send Lives' button that used to appear at the bottom (or left side of the board) of a level.

    How many friends have you got in your list Nalilala? I have only got 104, but my life allowance of 200 is always full

    I know the problem isn't with the heart button I was just trying to point out that you don't have to wait for your lives to reach zero you should try using the heart button to ask for lives from your friends at anytime you like.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,024

    Here there. I also have many friends on my 14,000 level game and they seem to remain loyal and send me lives even if I don't log in for a week or two. When I do I regularly send each one of them a life to keep them sweet, even those that don't ask.

    I don't think it is that easy though for new players to gain friends. At my level 1581 game I have a total of only four friends, randomly picked by King and only one of those ever has requested or sent a life. I doubt the other three even still play. There is certainly something going on that is making it hard for players to obtain lives, and maybe those of us who have been playing for years just are lucky to have made so many friends over the years. Maybe it is because so many players are dropping out since the game has become rather unpalatable to play for so many reasons.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    I don't think it is that easy though for new players to gain friends. 

    Why do you think that Christine? People can now share their friends link easily by email or social media. They can even share it on this forum if they like.

    Also you can easily add friends using the Friendship tab of the game.

    At my level 1581 game I have a total of only four friends,

    Have you tried to add more?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,024

    Yes, I did invite a few, but not that many. I don't have any real friends that play Candy Crush nor do I do social media, so those options aren't for everyone. Is there a way to invite friends in the community here?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited June 2023

    Hi @christinewupp there is a way to invite friends and to add friends in this community.

    Just share your friend link in the threads linked below asking people to add you to their games.

    Also whilst you are sharing your link click on any of the links already posted by people to add them to your game.

    The shared links have to be less than seven days old for them to work.

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