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iOS App lost access to Internet weeks ago. How can I fix it?

ramo_ona Posts: 3 Newbie


I've been playing Candy Crush Saga on my iPhone for years and I have stacked up quite a lot of boosters and gold. I am on level 3417 currently. But some weeks ago the app suddenly stopped communicating with the Internet. So I can't send/receive lives, buy anything from the shop, take part in any contests or gain any new boosters or anything. Nothing is really working anymore. Just the offline game.

I have tried switching between WiFi/cellular data, rebooting my device, force-closing the app. Nothing helps. I do not want to delete and reinstall the app because I fear that most progress and boosters will be lost.

I am logged in via Apple-Sign-In on my phone. I downloaded Candy Crush on my Laptop, but since there is no Apple Sign In available, I used the e-mail address and it got the right picture and gold, but the level and boosters are much much less, so I assume if I delete the app I will fall down to at least that level.

How to get the iOS app to communicate with the Internet again?


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager

    Hi @ramo_ona and a warm welcome to the Community!

    I'm sorry to hear the game app has lost connection and you seemed to have done the correct things but I'm afraid the only option left that usually solves these issues is to reinstall the game app.

    The issue with reinstalling the game app is that you might lose you booster inventory, but your game progress and Gold Bars should be fine. I also use an iPhone when playing the game and from my personal experience, whenever I had to reinstall the game app, when installing it back and connecting the game to my Facebook or King account, my boosters always made it back.

    Now, I can't guarantee you that it will happen as somethings there can be other factors that can affect this but, I would give it a try and delete the game app as that should solve the connection issue.

    Now in case you so lose your boosters, you can get intouch with our Player Support team HERE and ask for a compensation.

    Let me know if you have any doubts 🙂

  • ramo_ona
    ramo_ona Posts: 3 Newbie
    edited June 2023

    Thank you for your reply. After weeks of not receiving an answer from the support team, I did what you suggested and deleted and reinstalled the app.

    It happened what I had feared. I lost 2000 levels and all my boosters. Weirdly, I still have the 3000 profile flag even though my level got reset to 1446.

    I have contacted the support again. I hope this time they respond... 10 years of gameplay and booster-saving lost is super sad.

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255 Level 5

    Hello, Ms Newbie,

    Welcome to the forum! 👋

    You should've waited for more replies here before deciding what (not) to do.

    Forum moderators, including community managers, are not Support reps. Their opinion is theirs only. It's not formal technical advice, as they are not responsible for the implications of things not working as desired. In this regard they are just like any other forum user.

    Deleting the game or its app data ALWAYS results in the loss of boosters. Always. You had the advantage of having an iOS device and could've backed up your app data and thus saving your boosters but it's too late now.

    I've seen a similar issue before - levels not getting synced properly across different devices.

    This player had like 2000 "missing levels" when logged in on a different device. This meant reinstalling the game would've resulted in losing those levels, as they were not synced with their account on the game server. There were other issues with the account - the map cursor was sending them back to level 80 or something, every 2nd level of an episode was shown as never played and the rest all had just 1 star.

    After seeing that, I advised them to write to Support. Support confirmed there was an issue and fixed it without the need of reinstalling the game app. They supposedly manually completed the missing levels to catch up with where the account owner actually was without realising their account was bugged. And their progress was then fine.

    It must be noted that they didn't say anything about not being able to connect to the game server, i.e. major events were supposedly working except maybe for Episode Race which for me was showing as having the "always last" bug.

    Anyhow, did the server connection problem get resolved after the reinstallation? If it did, Support will restore your levels but I can't predict what they'll say in regards to your boosters. How did you contact them, btw? If they don't respond soon, you should post your ticket number from their initial canned reply and the community manager will assist you get a human reply.

  • ramo_ona
    ramo_ona Posts: 3 Newbie

    Dear Doondie,

    thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I understand that my reaction was overly impulsive and to quick. It's because I wrote to the support three times over the course of several weeks and all I got was an automated article on how to fix things. I was not hoping to receive a human reply anymore. And I was already expecting that deleting the game would be the only way to get it to reconnect (also because without connection, how is anybody supposed to access my account remotely). So when I got the confirmation from the first comme ter, I was like "ok, that's it. I've avoided it for weeks, I think it's time now".

    Yes, the reinstalling has solved the connection issues. And with my new ticket on the lost progress instead of the connection issues topic I did get a human reply from the support asking for more information.

    Let's see what they can do.

    Interesting to know about the backup on iOS though.

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255 Level 5

    You're welcome! 😇

    These things happen, unfortunately. And players usually act first, then ask how to repair the damage.

    Regarding this:

    also because without connection, how is anybody supposed to access my account remotely

    They (Support) don't do remote access, i.e. they don't connect to your device or game app. As a matter of fact, it's us - players - who access our accounts remotely because they are stored on their (King's) server. 🙂 Anyhow, your app not communicating properly with the server wouldn't have affected their ability to examine your account. For all you knew, the problem could've been on your side, although you said you've tried switching networks and stuff but still. It doesn't matter now though.

    Now that they are talking to you, they should've asked for your user ID and a screenshot to show your previous progress. Keep me posted on your support progress. Curious what they'll say about your boosters. Chances are they'll use the you have bought those, so we won't replace them excuse.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?