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Please Clarify Gold Bar Growbot

Info says spend 25 gold bars in-game to receive 400 gold, right? Well, what do you mean, in-game? In-game boosters, i.e.hammers or party boosters, does it mean we can use the gold to buy the free moves, because that's still in-game.

I just want to understand before I spend my well hard earned 29 gold bars wisely.

These 14000 plus levels are difficult enough without knowing exactly what it means how to spend my measly gold.

Thank you for your response.



  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 103

    I would also like to know because I've spent 29 gold bars and did not recieve 400! Do I have to spend 400 gold bars to collect 25 gold bars? Because that's the conclusion I came to!!

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693

    This being King, a business, can't be giving us 400 gold bars when we spend 25 buying moves/boosters.

    It's 400, a rebate of 25, top up to 550 another rebate of 25

    and last top up to 800, a final rebate of 50.

    In total, spending 800 gold bars on moves/boosters, will get us a rebate of 100

  • itsEmma
    itsEmma Posts: 278


    The format looks just like the more usual 'collect orange/striped etc candies' challenges where the numbers to collect run along the bottom of the image and the 'prize' for each stage is in the star.

    So, if you spend 400 gold bars, you'll 'win' 25 for that spend, continuing up to winning 50 if you manage to somehow spend 800 in 6 days (I think that's it, I could be wrong!!!!) 🙂

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,020

    Hi there. I have just found this event in my game and it quite obviously is this way round: You have to spend 400 (for me it's 500) gold bars in game to gain a measly 25 gold back. It's utter rubbish. Ignore!

  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 103

    Sorry I still don't understand and no way in Hell would I have 800 gold bars to spend in the first place let alone 400. I'm just not that good of a player. I hardly have any boosters to help. Think I'll pass and King can I have my 29 gold bars back please?

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693

    I've tested this event, and reported here earlier on.

    I spent on purchases of boosters (striped brushes, lately I have found them to be rather useful, in combinations with color bomb or wrapped candy).

    #1 : 400 gold bars, got my boosters +25 gold bars,

    #2 : another 150 (ie topped up to 550), got boosters I want + another 25 gold bars,

    #3 : another 250 (ie topped up to 800), got my boosters + another 50 gold bars.

    To me, it's not spending to win. It's a win-win situation, I need to top up my striped brushes, with or without this "promotion" , and I'm getting a rebate of 100 gold bars in total.

    But don't spend simply to get the rebate.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,020

    I also like striped candies, but I just think having to spend 500 gold before you get anything back is too much for most players. It's probably a ploy to get those of us hoarding our gold to spend it, but most players wish they had some gold to spend in the first place. Maybe only those who have a lot of gold get this offer? I hope so.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 581
    edited July 2023

    Thanks y'all!, I appreciate your clarifying of this utterly stupid, idiotic, ridiculous rip-off! I will definitely ignore and save my gold for upcoming impossible levels to get 65 more moves!

    Happy July 6th! 😺

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693

    Just saw another player posted a different version, much lower amount of gold bars to be spent, should have waited, spent 105 to get 32 rebate

  • nickdirisio1944
    nickdirisio1944 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Has anyone from candy crush responded regarding Gold bot.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?