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Why can't Opt Out of Candy Royale!



  • kstrem
    kstrem Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    Stop forcing us to play candy royale!!!

  • TitanCrusher
    TitanCrusher Posts: 365
    edited August 2023

    I do not have the double Candy Royale yet. Anyways picked up 30 gold bars fro playing the same levels I would have played anyways. Sweet…no need to change anything with the feature at all.

  • CherylTeoh
    CherylTeoh Posts: 307
    edited August 2023

    Double Candy Royale has another version, completing 16 (instead of 14) at 1st try.

    I could have seen this coming, the single Candy Royale has 7- and 8- level version. But please stick to the 14 level version.

    I had to make the hard decision to continue with the 2nd episode for the final 16th level, knowing that I'll give up racing for the 45 gold bars for Champions Race (14 more levels to go).

    An episode a day is just the right dose, and I'm not racing to be Top Climber.

  • PenguinLady
    PenguinLady Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, this issue has still not been fixed. I am no longer going to play Candy Crush and will be closing my account. I will check back in a few months in the hope that you’ve listened to the numerous complaints and made the Candy Royale thing optional.

  • SigmaMMX
    SigmaMMX Posts: 333
    edited August 2023

    My version of the Candy Royale double is to complete 18 levels on the first try. Candy Royale has versions of 7, 8 and 9 levels, it would be interesting if King keeps the double version as well.

    Today was the first time winning the candy royale double. 

  • CEG-2
    CEG-2 Posts: 110
    edited July 2023

    JUST MAKE IT OPTIONAL, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOODNESS. I know it is silly to make such a ruckus out of this idiotic feature, but it is driving me crazy. There are now more bad things than good in the game. I understand this is a new money grubbing opportunity (and yes, I did buy extra turns one time but quickly realized the payout was not worth it) but we should have the choice. It is especially infuriating when I have a time driven reward and/or am stuck on the same freaking level for days!!!!!

  • Larksong
    Larksong Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    You’ve had complaints about the inability to opt out of Candy Royale since April, 2023. It’s now July, 2023. Your team is either incompetent or unresponsive to your customers. I choose to deal with the issue by quitting the game every time the Candy Royale window pops up. I may continue to play the game, but I refuse to spend any money on it until you FIX THE PROBLEM! I encourage all other players who are frustrated by this problem to likewise stop spending money on a company that doesn’t care about you or what you think.

  • TitanCrusher
    TitanCrusher Posts: 365
    edited July 2023

    There’s nothing to be fixed. King has made Candy Royale a fixed component of the game. It’s not a bug but by design. What’s the problem? Can’t beat 8-9 levels without getting booted?

  • NanaMer
    NanaMer Posts: 29

    Level 3

    July 10 and the feature has turned even worse: now you can't play the game unless you play Royal. No way to turn back a page, no way to close it. Play it or CC is over.

    I will keep watching this topic to see if it gets fixed back into optional, and in the meantime I will stop playing CC altogether.

  • FluffyDinosaur
    FluffyDinosaur Posts: 2,542
    edited July 2023

    Hi both, I understand this change might be really frustrating to a lot of players and we Community Managers read, collect and forward all player feedback to the developers of the game. That said, please remember to be sweet and kind.

    We're all people, and while I get that when changes you don't agree with are made to your favorite game it's very frustrating, please remember to keep feedback constructive and be kind to other players.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?