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  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    These are terrible. I was stuck on 13805 for almost two weeks, playing 25+ times a day because I didn't have any boosters or gold and now 13807 is another Legendary Level, just two levels later.

    Add in I can only use 20 lives per day and it's pretty easy to see this is just another money grab. Can't win unless you pay.

  • Posts: 22

    Level 3

    edited July 2023

    I guess they are counting on players who are addicted to pay. I just play until my 5 lives are gone and am done. Not getting another cent from me thanks to the Candy Royale fiasco. Renaming my NH levels to legendary, assuming they are the same as when called NH, hasn’t (and isn’t) going to suddenly get me spending again.

  • Posts: 17

    Level 2

    for Legend level read .. ridiculous level .. level 14263 .. on iPhone you get 18 moves it’s impossible. When I look on YouTube the video shows you get 34 moves on whatever platform that person uses. Why are iPhone users discriminated against ?

  • Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Impossible. I think I'm about done.

  • Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Legendary levels are Kings worst ever invention .. after my last rant concerning level 14263 (which I now see they have changed it back to just nightmare and added 6 moves) it was simply impossible iphone .. they only have 18 moves. To pass it I had watch ads on sweet cinema for 15 days and use 30 .. yes 30 lollipop hammers to complete it. They’ve now done the same with level 14269 .. and even though this morning they added 6 more moves to 30 it’s still totally impossible. After 12 years playing I’m now days away from deleting the app. I assume that’s what they want

  • Posts: 75

    Level 3

    edited August 2023

    Yep, this level is nearly impossible for players such as me, their high-layered waffles are annoying

  • Posts: 75

    Level 3

    edited August 2023

    Feel free to reply

  • Posts: 11,074
    edited August 2023

    It's one of the harder ones, I agree,

    but in my opinion none of the levels in the hundreds are so hard as to be legendary. Legendary levels in the later levels are those that cannot even be passed with starting boosters or win streak boosters. This one can. Once the bubble gum pops the fishes and striped candies will help to clear the board quite quickly.

  • Posts: 75

    Level 3

    edited August 2023

    Bruh, perhaps it changes to Nightmarishly Hard Level


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