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Episode Race



  • Thanks for the update @MonicaYellow I'm glad it worked & your can keep up your win streak.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    @Rhonda_L I am wondering why you thought it was just a theory that the Episode Race isn't a live race.

    The game tells you that it is a recording. It is something that has been discussed many times in this forum

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 583

    I guess because I've won so many, and am somewhat of a skeptic, I truly believed I was playing against people on the same levels in real time? Of course I've read the posts. Just didn't register with me until I lived it first hand. Maybe I thought there were more people actually playing the same levels I was? I don't know, now I do!

    @christinew @christinewupp (sorry, does it to me all the time!... won't let me erase) . I'm glad they changed the subject line... just wanted to grab your attention! I didn't know how to say I'm sorry, and now I'm a total believer.

    Appreciate all you do for the community and us dumb heads!!!!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073

    No problem @Rhonda_L . There are of course thousands of players somewhere playing the same level as you right now, it's just that the episode race doesn't work that way. The events like Sam's Streak and the football race right now and the weekly race, they work in real time. Have you seen my post about lucky boards vs skill? It's moved to the second page now. I think I have figured out how they make levels harder or easier from one week to the next, or one player to another, without actually changing them. Good luck with your game!

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 583

    Thank you, I did read your posts.

    Sam's Steak? LOL! I know it's in real time. Used to win it, always, but can't seem to keep my streak alive nowadays. No big deal!

    Now I'm on Episode starting 14451. What a joke! Looked ahead and counted 11 hard, super hard, nightmare, and 1 Legendary.

    I'm not even trying to get these levels. I pretty don't care anymore

    I am happy, however, to win the weekly contest playing with people in the 2000 to 5000 range. Didn't have anyone on my friends list to play against.

    I'll just keeping on to win all the soccer balIs I can to get qualified for the next round!

    Scrolling is NOT fun.

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