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📝 We want your feedback on the levels 14 826 - 14 870

QueenB Posts: 14,893 Community Manager
edited August 2023 in Discussions

Howdy Crushers,

New sweet levels are released weekly, every Tuesdays in Candy Crush Saga, and the Levels Designers want your feedback to make the game even sweeter.

This week, you can directly share your feedback on levels 14 826 - 14 870 with the people behind the levels!

We would like to know how you feel about the following:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall difficulty?
  2. Which specific game feature did you enjoy the most, and why?
  3. How engaging did you find the gameplay mechanics?

Comment and leave your feedback to the Team behind the new levels!

Note! Please stay on topic and only comment feedback regarding these levels.

Any issues with levels, comment in the Support area, any other level feedback, please start a new discussion.



  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,218 Level 5
  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,105 Level 5

    Haven't started yet. No helpful tips or comments !!! Just shows @QueenB how much everyone is disillusioned with the game.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,218 Level 5

    Yes, Peter it will be difficult for those at the top. I think that everyone is waiting for the contest to begin before starting the new levels. I am waiting although I know that I probably do not stand a chance because I really am only going to have time for the new levels again this week.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,105 Level 5
    edited August 2023

    Finished first episode. It was a big improvement on last week's debacle, until you arrive at Level 14839.

    Here is another completely unethical level that cannot be completed in the allocated moves, unless, maybe if you start with a lucky candy. Unfortunately I neglected to do this and it cost me 3 lots of extra moves to complete the level !!!

    Even with a lucky candy, I doubt the level can be beaten in the allocated moves. The licorice just don't drop fast enough !!!!

    These levels are occurring every week without adjustment or explanation @QueenB. In this thread you state:

    New sweet levels are released weekly, every Tuesdays in Candy Crush Saga, and the Levels Designers want your feedback to make the game even sweeter.

    This week, you can directly share your feedback on levels 14 826 - 14 870 with the people behind the levels!

    Therefore @QueenB I respectfully request an answer to the reason this is occurring every week without adjustment or explanation when in the above you clearly state, twice, you want our feedback.

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693 Level 3

    Delayed playing the newly released episodes until Champions Race flag is high up there, choosing extra gold bars and forfeiting extra moves in original release.

    Just completed 1st episode 14826-14840 and collected the 45 gold bars.

    No impossible level so far, quite a few had 10+ moves left, but I had to use up to the last move for 14389. The starting board of my version of 14389 looks like this

    Peter: how many moves were there in your version pl?

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,105 Level 5

    Sorry Monica, I didn't record the moves, but 26 sounds about right. Like you I started with a full Candy Necklace, but not a lucky candy. Even removing the 3 exposed licorice on the first move, still leaves 27 in 25 moves. Double wraps on the other 5 licorice and the game only dispensing candy every 3 moves makes it impossible.

    Unfortunately, I had no warning, if I did, I would have started with a lucky candy and after my initial move of a CB Combo, then used a party popper to open up the board.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,218 Level 5

    Level 14839 I was warned about by @Peter_Tornaros but decided to give it a go without a Lucky Candy. Started CB + purple wrap. Used no gold, used no Party Boosters. You got to get lines of them licorice going. I do not know how to explain.

    At present 5 levels to go. Not sure again if I like to finish all the levels each week or just leave a few.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,559 Legend

    @Scooterpie I have recently come to the realisation, with some help from @cookiemae , that we all play different games. Some players get harder boards than others somehow. They look the same, they have the same number of moves, but they play differently. I have often wondered how you and cookiemae can pass these levels week after week without paying and without losing your stash of gold, when most of us cannot do so at all without using party poppers or a dozen UFOs or paying gold to pass almost every level. I think what you are writing about level 14839 illustrates this. Your game is clearly different from Peter's.

    And I would like to apologise to @cookiemae here for ever thinking you had some kind of favour with King. You were wise to point out that there are millions of other happy players out there who enjoy the game and they do not tend to post here in the community. Your insights recently have helped me understand the game much better and thank you for sharing. And I don't think it is favouritism any more either, I think it is the luck of the draw into which of the "test" groups you have been allocated by King's algorithms. I have played three games on three logins on three devices recently and it's just so obvious how one differs from the other. One is full of lucky boards, the other gets me stuck at every nightmarish or legendary level. It's up to each of us to make the most of the game we are given and enjoy playing by whatever means we have at our disposal. If it's no longer fun then it's just time to give up the game.

    It is as it is, hey?

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,218 Level 5

    Christine, of course all of our boards are different because the candies are never most likely positioned the same. Some levels we players like to replay the starting boards are never the same. Sometimes I am in a good run and sometimes not. Mobile, browser and Win10/11 are different. Some levels I prefer to play on my mobile. I have never experimented with having multiple accounts because that does not help me to advance.

    My board for Level 14839 was probably not that different from Peter's. I do not explain things very well but with a stripe + wrap positioned correctly you sweep across the board knocking down low across the board and the licorice flows. Timing of when things drop is important too. Sometimes I get it right sometimes I do not, sometimes I forget to get it right...

    p.s. It is what it is... a game...

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