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Still no gold from candy royale


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,151

    Hi there. I'm not sure why you are posting these screenshots. They show your progression trough CandyRoyale, but not the end. You do know that the gold is paid only if and when you pass the final level of this competition? You have to pass all the levels first try until the trophy.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,151

    So Candy Royale works like this: On your first level you are paired with 100 others, and whoever is left at the end (usually 9 levels but I think at the moment it is 18) will share the jackpot of 500 gold bars. After each level there is a pop-up telling you what your share of the jackpot would be, given how many players have already dropped out. So with each level that share goes up as more players drop out. But that share will only get paid out if you yourself don't drop out but make it to the end. The pop-ups don't mean you have won that gold but they are to encourage you to keep going. You only win if you stay in the race to the end and the trophy pops up sharing out gold bars between the players who passed all those levels with their first try. It's very difficult, and doesn't pay out a huge amount to most players.

  • ThanakornWG445
    ThanakornWG445 Posts: 26

    Level 3


  • whocares2
    whocares2 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I was playing Candy Royale today. After winning several levels it was down to just 4 of us in the running. I had to go to an appointment and when I returned to continue playing, there was no Candy Royale showing in my events list. All progress was gone. Infuriating! The powers that be obviously decided to delete the Event rather than provide gold bars to the winners.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,151

    Oh boy, how very frustrating for you! I am sorry this happened to you, so annoying!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?