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Do levels get harder if you buy boosters?

n7pod Posts: 4 Newbie

Before I paid for boosters I could pass up to 50 levels a day before but now I get stuck on a level for days. I have been stuck on Level 8306 for two weeks. A friend passed 7000 when I passed 8000. Now he is ahead of me. Maybe he buys boosters? The level of difficulty I face is perceptibly harder since I bought boosters. Has anyone else experienced that? I write to King but they say my theory is wrong: they have no way to make individual difficulty harder so my theory is wrong. So, how come I rarely pass a level first time, I regularly have to spend over 200 lives to pass a level and I barely ever win gold bar challenges. I can play the game: I got to level 8306, after all, the level of difficulty I face is perceptibly higher and all that changed was I paid for boosters and lost access to free boosters to the level I had had before.


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