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Price decrease?

Cyclonaut65 Posts: 2 Newbie

I've been playing candy crush for a few years now, and have advanced quite far in the levels, with the help of lives, boosters and such. Most of which I have purchased with money I earned. My monthly spend was to the point of it nearly being a budget item for me! 

The last price increase is beyond sure that the developers have noticed a decrease in revenue due to this.... I can assume that either king wishes to price people out of the game so they can discontinue development, or they are simply trying to (over) capitalize on the players' willingness to spend... 

That said, I won't abide. I got a new phone, and therefore have lost all boosters, which I... Me... Paid for. I would have willingly spent some money to replenish, but nope.... No way will I participate in this extortion.. 

Like many users, I haven't spent a cent on this game in a couple of months at least, nor will I. I'm now at a level that seems impossible to pass without multiple boosters, which I now don't use at all. I'll give it another week or so, but unless there is either a very deep discount special, or a price rollback, I'll have to finally bid farewell to this game... It was a fun ride. 

Any hope of a price rollback? 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,729 Sweet Legend

    Hi Cyclonaut65, I am just a volunteer who comes here to help the players with their questions.  Thank you so very much for expressing your thoughts here in the community.  I truly appreciate everything that you wrote and can empathize with what you and the other players write here.  However, with regards to a price rollback, unfortunately I am not privy to that information but I want to say that it won't be changing in the near future because it seems that for every player that drops out another person starts playing.  I know that's not the answer that you wanted to read but I wanted to acknowledge that I read your message and can empathize with you.

  • Cyclonaut65
    Cyclonaut65 Posts: 2 Newbie

    It's a pity that the developers seem to be tone deaf to those that carried them to the position they now enjoy.

    Well, that settles it for me. The game simply isn't so enjoyable when not advancing. Now that I'm well beyond 3500 levels, some are downright infuriating and take many, many attempts before the lucky sequence of combinations occur. Previously  I had no problem in spending money to give me 'superpowers'  but there is simply no value anymore. I doubt I last another week before removing the game from my device. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?