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Why do you make the game cheat

michaelholder Posts: 38 Level 2

I know I don't have to record the game because everybody knows for themselves that this game cheats it just some people have decided to accept the fact that Candy Crush development team program the game to cheat. I will give you an example I have 2 squares that need to be deleted before I can move on to the next level and I will have either a packet or a striped candy right on those two squares and in the 20 moves that I have left I won't be able to get the same colours anywhere near the Striped or packet candy that is what you call a cheating game that is what a poker machine does and especially when you consider this game was made for under 20s you would think that the development team would be a bit smarter instead of making it so obvious that's my opinion in my castle everybody's got one


  • Citana
    Citana Posts: 11 Level 2

    Ich kann das nur gut nachvollziehen und schließe mich der Meinung an. Wie ne Menge welche Spiele es noch so gibt P2W ist es auch hier so, muß ich leider fesstellen. Kosten halten sich hier noch in Grenzen, ist aber genau so darauf ausgerichtet, kann ja nur so sein. Das Team muß ja irgendwie bezahlt werden, und das können nur die Spieler machen. Das Spiel ist für mich ab sofort gestorben, sollen sich welche finden, die sich blenden lassen und das Spiel weit weit mit zu finanzieren.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,831 Level 5

    No, you don't have to tell us. I could give you hundreds of examples of how the game is fixed so that you don't get the candies in the places you need them. This game is purely a "beat the algorithm" game. The algorithm is fixed, but it gets changed all the time so that it's hard to beat, and they change it according to what will make people spend money. Anyone thinking candies drop randomly is mistaken.

  • Scarlettg
    Scarlettg Posts: 1 Newbie

    Cheating us!! Just paid 19 gold bars to get a striped booster to take out 2 jellies. Striped was going the correct way. I set it off and the jellies were still there! What a crock. I feel like I was just mugged. Between the forced candy royale that I am made to play and outright robbing us, I'm done. Not another cent to King. Time to find a new game.

  • marged
    marged Posts: 3 Newbie

    Have you ever watched those flying fish? I’ve seen them fly into each other and go to blank spaces…and not help at all.

  • Paulo61
    Paulo61 Posts: 2,031 Level 3
    I've also observed a lot of things and I don't waste money on the game but I always watch the board and I always come close to beating the level. I like this game because it forces you to think about where to play.

  • Zee-2
    Zee-2 Posts: 43 Level 2

    It is getting worse. I wish I can sue to get back all the money they robbed us. Class action suits to have them admit it was rigged, they should pay out billions in penalty so we can all get out money back. Any lawyers in the pack?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,831 Level 5

    Some folks tried a class action law suit after the All Stars tournament, in fact I think it's been tried twice before. Don't forget though that nobody is forced to spend money on this game, that will always be the defense position. Candy Crush is not a lottery nor is it a gambling app. There are rules governing lotteries and gambling, but I don't think there are rules forbidding games from being pre determined or rigged. The general consensus would be that if you are naive enough to fall for this manipulation, then tough. You should have read the terms and conditions. Does it state anywhere in the terms and conditions that this game is random or fair? I doubt it. They have covered themselves, of course.

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