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So, last night/early this morning when I was responding to the help thread, I got called out by a mod on this board. I'm not going to say names, but I felt like I was getting scolded. All I did was try and help a player with an issue, and issue I previously had and basically told her the same advice that was given to me by customer support. I figured ok, then I'll just tell her what was told to me. I received a message from another mod explaining the risk of uninstalling/reinstalling, but that was AFTER I had already sent the message to that player. I had no idea (customer support left out that detail) of the risks until it was explained by the female mod, which I appreciated.
In the message from the 1st mod, instead of saying, "Jiggy, you risk losing " whatever" if you do it that way, I was scolded like a child and then when I replied, I received a message that my responses were now being "checked" before submitting. Seriously? I could understand if I was causing issues, but all I did was try and help a player that was stuck. As much as I love helping others on here (I'm a nurse 😁), it might be best to stop it all together. I have never disrespected anyone in the community, but I felt I was last night. I will continue giving out lives as I've been doing, and if anyone is stuck and needs help, you are more than welcome to sent me a friend request. I will do my best to help you with the lives you need to move forward. As for anything else in the community, I'm just gonna keep my mouth 🤐.
Jiggy 😉
@Jiggyraff Sometimes it is not necessary to reinstall the app. First of all, we should try to log out,clear the cache and restart our device. Or wait for the game update with a proper fix. Reinstalling the game leads to lose all saved boosters and lives. And many players have lots of saved boosters(they even spend real money for it). Then those players start complaining about their loss and accusing King for bad and incompetent advices. Game moderators are aware of it and they try to protect players in need from misunderstandings☺️.
Oh no, Jiggy, don't be disheartened like that. I have never been contacted by a mod. How did they do this and which thread are you writing about? Are you quite sure this was a real person and not some automated bot? I am writing this because at the weekends usually all you get is bots answering here.
The issue of responses being checked before appearing here is an old one I have encountered numerous times and been very upset by. I also had a post deleted because I was trying to help a player who had posted a really pressing problem I could help with in a foreign language, and they just deleted my post so even I could not read what I had written, it was just gone. I was very upset about that, after all we are just trying to help. All of these acts of censorship are undertaken by an AI bot, so please don't take it personal! Posts are often sent for approval if they are too long, if you edit them and if you use the reply button all at the same time. There are a few odd words that if you use them will send a post for approval. It's all automated though. I sometimes copy a long post just before posting and if it goes to approval then I paste the same comment in the comments box without reference to the post I replied to. It then always gets posted without fail.
In this case, the word "mod" is a shortcut from moderator...
I have never been contacted by a moderator.
I think it's about a thread on the forum here in the community not The Player Support section. Game moderator just wants to prevent unecessary problems and futher complaints from the players who lost their boosters. Reinstalling the game is the last recommended step . But first they advice to try other, less "invasive" troubleshooting steps( restarting the device, clearing the cache etc.)
Hey Christine,
What I meant regarding being contacted by that mod was a reply to the message I sent another player. They posted a question, and I answered. A day or so later (don't remember how much time went by), I received a reply from that mod regarding the reply I had sent (again, to that player) mentioning the issue (I know, it can get confusing). I don't believe it was from a bot, as I have spoken to that mod on several occasions. Because of their name, I am unsure if they are female or male (not that it matters). After seeing the notification regarding waiting for approval on posts, I was able to reply to threads, but as of tonight, it's back on. I tried replying to Magnolias post above, only to receive the "approval needed" message again. As for it possibly being too long, it was about the length of yours above. I've previously posted with longer replies (with no issue), which is why I figured the "approval" was in retaliation from that mod for the reply I sent to the player. Just found it convenient, that's all. All of the replies (to that player and from the mod) were posted in the "somebody needs help" section. I attached a screenshot of the approval message for reference.
Jiggy 😁
Question. Are mods able to prevent people in the community from posting (triggering the approval needed message), and if so, do they have to get their own approval showing just cause or is it done just like that because "they felt like it" so to say?
Hi Jiggy. I really honesty do not believe that any mod would trigger an approval needed message on your account. Those approval messages really are from bots, it's an automated system. I think it then goes to someone at King for approval, not the moderators. In fact, since I reached level 5 here in the community (and won the Candy Crusher of the month vote, all happening at the same time) I have not had ANY of my posts sent for approval, those experiences I wrote about were all before that. Nowadays I seem to be able to post whatever I like. I must have gained their trust...... I have heard that from level 5 you have certain privileges, for example we can send links to other community pages which anyone up to level 4 can't.
The mods can and do delete posts that are spam or offensive or that are in a foreign language or otherwise against the house rules. They do not have any powers but to enforce the house rules. I generally do think the moderators are trying to help and I cannot believe that what you are describing is personal. They are players themselves and report back to King, but I'm not so sure what exactly their relationship with King is, or if they get paid. King leave them pretty much in the dark about most aspects of the game. In fact it must be a really frustrating and ungrateful role in these days of so much anger and frustration, they get quite a bit of abuse. I once read a post calling QueenB a "lying snake", that was so horrible and I felt really sorry for her being attacked like that. I told that player off, after which he accused me of being a troll and then kept insulting me.
At the time that I was having the issues, my only choice was to reinstall the game. I tried all that logging out, updating and restarting mess to no avail. When I reinstalled and logged back in, I was fortunate enough not to have lost any lives or boosters. I later found out that it's not "guaranteed" to lose the lives or boosters, but that it could still happen. Either way, because I received the info from customer support AND I didn't suffer any loss, I thought it was safe to "spread the word" so to say. It wasn't until after all that that I found out about the risk of uninstalling. 😉
Right, it was on another thread. I understand mods wanting to prevent issues, but that person could have said it in a different way. I'm a mod on numerous websites, so I'm used to helping ppl with issues and I understand trying to prevent falsehoods from being spread, but like I said, I had already tried various methods to fix the issue, so my only option was to reinstall the game. I would have never told another player about reinstalling had I already known about the risks to this game (since that was mentioned after talking to customer support).
Not saying this is what happened, but I have seen the title of "mods" go to people's heads plenty of times, and when it does, they treat or talk to others horribly or with disrespect. Btw, me using the word "mod" is out of habit. I haven't used "moderator" in ages. 😉
Hello @Jiggyraff personally I think you are being a bit sensitive and do not see any issue with the message you received from the Moderator. The message reads like a friendly reminder not to tell people to uninstall their app. I do not see any 'scolding' occurring.
Please just carry on as you are.
Question. Are mods able to prevent people in the community from posting (triggering the approval needed message), and if so, do they have to get their own approval showing just cause or is it done just like that because "they felt like it" so to say?
The 'your comment will appear after it is approved' is an automated system that generally reacts to certain keywords. As Mods can't approve your posts then I think it highly unlikely that a mod has the power to trigger the approval message. As far as I know the only 'power' a Mod has over and a above a normal user of this forum is that they can make a thread read only. All other actions can only be completed by a Community Manager.